The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Were you thinking of the phrase "breeds true"?
It is one thing to start with perfect stock that breeds true. It's got to be fun to get nearly perfect birds and to have a light hand in culling and beauty queens with ease.
But more than half the fun is in creating and peefecting those true breeding birds from other birds. The project in and of itself is most of the fun, I would think. It is also time consuming and super expensive. But aren't all the good hobbies like that anyway? That's why I try to convince myself! Haha!

Sometimes I think I ought to just buy absolutely perfected stock and so have all the hard work done for me. But buying good quality stock and perfecting them myself sounds like so much more fun. And years later you reap the benefits, right?
Not that I'm brave enough to buy poor quality stock and make gems from them. Though it can be done! I will stick with my happy medium. Good birds with room to work.

Not really "breed true", that more or less just means that the progeny will be the same breed and variety as the parents.
Basically what I'm looking for means that the offspring will be similar in all aspects.
LOL...I do not like the word, it is hard to remember....but I'm old, so breakfast is hard to remember too ;)

Basically the progeny become carbon copies of the parents
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@TherryChicken I am so very sorry. Was he alone in his pen, or out when attacked? I know raccoons usually keep killing until all are dead. White chickens are the most subject to predation because of the visual contrast, but mostly to hawks. I just hope you can find a solution. We have been fortunate to only lose one hen to a mink.

im sorry for your loss and yes he was alone in his coop
Not really "breed true", that more or less just means that the progeny will be the same breed and variety as the parents.
Basically what I'm looking for means that the offspring will be similar in all aspects.
LOL...I do not like the word, it is hard to remember....but I'm old, so breakfast is hard to remember too ;)

Basically the progeny become carbon copies of the parents

Haha... inbred? Maybe that's the word ;-) I know increased homozygosity will definitely get you animals that breed that way. Little carbon copies. Little clones. :) well, really I'm only kidding. A carefully bred line can still produce those results without destroying the COI
We are looking to purchase healthy black, chocolate, or chocolate cuckoo Orpington adult breeders or older juveniles from quality bloodlines to add to our existing breeders from Nellie. We are located in southeast TX and can drive up to 4-5 hours or have them shipped. Please send me a message if you or someone you know has anything available. Thanks!
We are looking to purchase healthy black, chocolate, or chocolate cuckoo Orpington adult breeders or older juveniles from quality bloodlines to add to our existing breeders from Nellie. We are located in southeast TX and can drive up to 4-5 hours or have them shipped. Please send me a message if you or someone you know has anything available. Thanks!
I got a black english pullet

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