The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

I just picked up these two 3 week old (hopefully) pullets yesterday
. So excited!

Could someone help me with sexing. I hatched out 6 english GL orps from eggs I ordered. They all look the same to me, They are about 10 weeks old and no one stands out to me as a roo. Could I have ended up with all pullets? Or do they need to mature more to be able to tell?


Reba, my Jubillee Orpington and the flock of Ameraucanas and Dominiques. I'd love to have a Jubilee Roo, but I'd be worried he would crush my other girls! But it would be so nice to have Jubilee chicks. She has been such a fun bird, I'd love to have more!
Is anyone going to have any English gold laced and buff English Orpington chicks, pullets or cockerels available in fall? I'm interested in getting some after an extremely bad hatch (I've hatched shipped eggs and gotten a better rate) and I'm not interested in eggs only live birds. Thank you!
Not seeing a lot of activity on this thread, but I am hoping that someone will answer me. I ended up with two stunning English Orpington cockerels who are now about 14 weeks old. They haven't started to crow yet. I would love to keep one and I have heard that English orpingtons are not loud or frequent crowers. Can someone please let me know if this is true? I have a welsummer hen who is VERY loud and the neighbors don't object. If anyone on this board is close to 19348, I will give away my black English Orpington boy

to a good home. I hope I don't have to find a home for my lavender cockerel, but I am guessing I probably will.
I have several Orpington Roosters (I have a problem - I love roosters) and I would have to agree that they are not frequent crowers. Now sometimes, they will get into some sort of contest with one another and be a bit obnoxious but overall they are not a noise problem at all. I have a bantam silkie that gets me fussed at by my neighbors sometimes because he is loud and often decides to crow at 2 a.m.! Orpington hens are much louder when they start the egg song.

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