The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Hey guys. Jeremy, Julie, beautiful pics. Jeremy, that Neville is just gorgeous. Julie, so glad you finally got that bathroom done. I'm sure you are too.

Just wanted to say I've had a great hatch on my Joy Orps. Joy, out of the 12 eggs you sent, I had 8 hatch!
Not bad, huh? And, of course, I didn't get pics. Just been too crazy here. Katy, Kassandra, did you guys have anything hatch?
I've got 3 that hatched. A splash, a light blue and a darker blue. The other 3 look like they died probably about day 16 or 17. Three is better than none I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a roo and 2 pullets!! Congrats on your great hatch!!
Tricia - come on over and you can pick all you can stand - we are just overrun with blackberries !!! I'll be sure to hide all the chickens when you come

Paula - Good to see you and what a GREAT hatch !! That is just wonderful !! We want pictures !!

Katy - 3 is better than none, but not the greatest hatch for sure.
for a roo and two pullets.

Kassandra -

Here are a couple of pictures of my dog, Jack. He went down with me to feed the chickens the other morning. It had been raining, so of course he decided to take a roll in the chickens' dust bath. I was ready to hang him. I had to bring him in and give him a bath before I could start work. ANyway - here is Jack the Dirt Doodle in all his glory !!


Renie'sPeeps :

Hey Isnt Jack the one that had to have surgery??

No, Finn had to have surgery. Here is Finn


I have a toad that lives on my front porch. I have a flower pot that I turn on its side and put leaves in it and a bowl of water outside the flower pot and he stays there most of the time. Yesterday he decided it was too hot, so used his water bowl to cool off. Here are a couple pictures of "Mr. Toad."


OMG, LOVE the toad
we get several around here and I dont' let the kids catch them. They are allowed to observe in their natural habitat

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