The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Paula, Toby is definitely a digger, I can't plant anything without his help... I remember you asking for some pictures before, hope no one minds me going off topic a bit.

Here he is making mud pies with a cousin of mine.

This picture was taken a few hours after we picked him up from our breeder in Santa Margarita, CA. He was only 6 weeks old here. Someone asked me if he was a rabbit that day. Another woman asked me why I had a guinea pig on a leash...


The car ride home.

My avatar picture.

Alien Toby!

Jeremy, Toby is such a cutie!! Love the mud pie pic! And the puppy pics are precious. Almost makes you wish they were puppies forever. Thanks so much for posting the pics. I did get another Corgi after losing my Emmie. We got a little boy this time- Cooper. He's 6 months old now. Got him from a breeder in Oklahoma. I'll have to post some pics of him. I just couldn't not have a Corgi. Once you own the breed, there's no going back. They're the coolest dogs out there. And you're right, people don't know what they are. I can understand bunny, though. They do have those cute little "bunny butts".
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I am sad to say that I lost my first 100% English baby tonight, my 10yo son cried. The kids each have a favorite breed and these were his. The others still look a bit off on the feathering, hard to describe but I think I will sadly lose all my English babies
. I lost another Bama orp the other day too, down to 14 of them
this is so sad
<<hugs>> I am sorry you and your family are having to go through this. I am seriously considering going the vaccination route for all my chicks in the future.
I am so sorry about your loses...that is really sad to read about. This spring I brought in 13 laying hens from a person 20 miles away (craigslist) and put them in a separate coop...about 20 FEET away from my hatched out orpingtons. They were delivered (I know...stupid me...didn't even LOOK at them first) and I felt safe since they were housed separate and would have a separate run. Well...a day after I got them (and they all were red comets or mixed ameracauna) I found they had scaly leg mites. So I go online and do a "search" on health issues with chickens. While researching...I found "mareks" and several other SCAREY things and really realized how stupid I'd been thinking that having a coop 20 feet away would keep mine safe! Thank God there was no Marek's but meanwhile I was so freaked out I decided to vaccinate...even though they would have been exposed to the dander in the air if the new birds were carriers. So I get the vaccine and the syringes...practiced on a orange and enlisted my unwilling hubby to help. Problems started as soon as I went to fill the syringes. It was hard to get the air out and the vaccine in. I finally got 5 syringes filled to what I needed...he held the chick and I went to gently get the skin of the neck to inject and I pulled off the cap......and the needle came out too. It did the same on all 5. I was such a nervous wreck by then (and I could NOT see the skin even though I soaked the featherw with alcohol) >>>I gave up. Didn't do any. I decided I would NEVER bring around strange chickens again. We live about 1/2 mile from anyone else so should be safe. Scary lesson however. I think it is worthwhile to vaccinate after reading up on it....I just don't seem to be capable of doing it!

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