The incubating & Hatching Eggs Forum is one nightmare after another

New gosling
I just candled 164 eggs. I have 4 that nothing happened. I have three or four that I can't tell for sure. It's only been 5 days on half of them. The other half hatch next week. It's looking real good in most of them. My wife is pregnant and she watched me candle. We wish we could candle her. Lol
My eggs haven't hatched on day 21. How long should I wait? what could be the problems that arise using an incubator?
"My eggs haven't hatched on day 21. How long should I wait? what could be the problems that arise using an incubator?"

I wait till the end of day 22. There could be all kinds of problems that start from improper storage (my eggs got too chilled in the basement once and two of the chicks had deformed heads and missing eyes as a result--they died in shell just prior to pip--and several quit developing at about day 3-ish) to improper humidity and temps. The best thing to do to figure out what went wrong is to open the eggs when you take them out at the end of day 22. Candle first just to be sure, then open. Come back here with pictures and you'll get help figuring out what went wrong.
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I just candled 164 eggs. I have 4 that nothing happened. I have three or four that I can't tell for sure. It's only been 5 days on half of them. The other half hatch next week. It's looking real good in most of them. My wife is pregnant and she watched me candle. We wish we could candle her. Lol
Ha ha ha. If only.
haha!! you cant, but the baby can see light. I use to hold a flash light to my belly when I knew where the head was... and they would start moving all over! it was kind of a trick so DH could feel movement, because it never failed that as soon as he put his hand to my belly.. they would stop!
Doug I totally understand - I find this forum terrifying, but mostly because this is my first time incubating. I'm sure that once I have a successful hatch I'll be able to read these threads with a little more detachment. Also, our incubator is at the school and I'm in charge of it. I have an awful feeling we're going to get no chicks. We're already down to 11 eggs out of 24, I've never seen movement when candling, yesterday was day 22 with no pips. I can go in to the classroom in 45 minutes when the teacher arrives at 7 to see if we have any action today, but I didn't even see any rocking yesterday. I think I may have seen tiny movement but the window on the bator is cheap plastic and anytime i look out of the corner of my eye it makes it look like something's moving. I also thought I heard pecking at the shell yesterday at 7am but I came in several times throughout the day and even at 3pm not a single pip.

If we don't get even one chick I'm going to have 22 miserable little kindergarteners on my hands...

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