The Migratory/Ornamental Waterfowl INFO Thread

I need an opinion on how I fenced my aviary.

Right now i have chain link fence and 2 in netting going around it, like a skin. My dad got to thinking, and does make sence, is that I the bird is spooked and tired to fly out of the pen it would get stuck and die. I dont want that to happen. Would you leave it and take your chances? Or what would you replace it with?

And yes I'm well aware thus pen should of been done forever ago, however it's really close to fair and fair prep is more important now.
if they are small enough to get threw the chain link, then yes it is possible. 2 inch net on top is perfect.
on the sides if you have small speices, 2x4 or 2x2 welded wire works great, so does 1 inch ol chicken wire
Yes we are leaving the 2" on top. We were thinkin of welded wire, or something similar. Would you worry about mandarins or ringed teal getting out? And in my wish list, chesnut breasted, sharpwings, marbled, or chiloe widgeons. Just thinking ahead.
no, I had all those with just 2 inch chicken wire. The only possible one would be the sharpwings, they, hottentots and green wing are your biggest escape artist on mesh sizes., especially hottentot
We use 1x2 welded wire. That way nothing gets in or out. And on the outside we also put 1/2x1/2 plastic fencing tied closing tot he welded wire to keep the babies in. We use the 1.5 inch net since we have greenwings and othe small birds
yep, that would work too, as always, smaller is better on it.

I also used a 1/2 " netting about 2 foot up the bottom, tied tight to the wire on mine. wasnt for chicks, never pen raised any, it was for snakes.
worked great on the little buggers. The thing I hated most was sticking my hand in a high nest box and getting bit by and oak snake in there eating eggs (WOULD JUST ABOUT TEAR THE TREE AND ALL DOWN TRYING TO GET MY HAND OUT, lol)

Anyway, found one dead in a roll of it one day at the shop, so I had an idea, it worked too. They'd wiggle there head into the small mess tring to get in, could only get so far and get stuck. Then they'd do like a fish in a net and pretty much just wrap themselves all up in it. If you live in the south and have bad snake problems, it worked for me, might want to try it. Oh electric fence a few inches way helps too, once they hit it, they are done, they wrap right around it....did I mention I hate them....LOL
Well, we actuall have wood goin up about a foot or so around the entire perimeter to stop snakes and others. O I would of flipped out if I reached in there and got bit, now I'm never gonna check my boxes lol, not really. Thanks for the warning, cause we have quite a few snakes at our house. A few years ago my silkie hatched out some chicks, first time ever. After a while a we put them outside with mom and within a week a snake got it...
Knock on woods I haven't seen a snack yet but all of our boxes are on poles short enough that my little 5'2" self can see in them! and my kids can look through the holes!

Funny story yesterday.. My dad called to say that after checkign the boxes yesterday (nothing had hatched anything) he found one little baby running aroudnin the corner. No momma anywhere, no other babies and none of the ones we know have been sitting have hatched anything else or it is close to time.. No idea where the baby came from but out of 60+ boxes there is no sign of any hatched babies! I can;t wait to see what it turns out to be.

I still have an NA Pintail, American Widgeon, and Eyton setting.. along with a ring teal that just laid a whole clutch of eggs and a wood duck..

My little mystery bird... I wil post a picture of it when I get one. my dad says it looks like a Mallard!

And this heat down here is not being noce. I have already lost a bufflehead hen (if you know where I can get one to replce a breeder let me know) and yesterday my Goldeneye Drake was acting funny stumbling around. I will so cry if something happens to him.. He is my favorite
Wow that's too cool! Yes post pics of it! Sorry about the bufflehead, they are one of my favorites. And hopefully your goldeneye gets better. Haha bet ya can't wait for more ring teal

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