The Migratory/Ornamental Waterfowl INFO Thread

Aubrey you just made my day. Guess my new split Woodie is going to be a dumper. My lead Mandy hen turned male and the second hen won't lay or hasn't so guess Woodie just laid them on the ground. My Ringed Teal hatch a clutch March 29th and is brooding another clutch now. Other hen is new and first year. I did see her going in the box. Her Drake is 2nd yr so wondering if Daisy took her clutch lol. Norm. Bahama hen x Sil Drake lost their babies to cold and wet in March She has started another clutch now. The Silver Hen Bahama x Norm Drake laid and left her eggs. I chunked them. They are obnoxious and the drakes go after my Mandy Hens. The Silver is so bad I have him & hen locked up. in the closed nursery area. What in the world is going on??? Thought my Am. Goldeneye 3yrs. was finally going to breed as she was going in and out of the new ground nest box. The pr are both severely pinioned and make no attempt to fly. Now the Goldie is hanging out with the Hoodie hen. They take turns going in and out of the nest box. The Hoodies are full winged so wondering why she would be going in a ground nest other than curiosity. I find them very curious. 1 hen follows me around like a dog wanting meal worms lol. The Hottentots both pr unrelated have been going in and out of every ground nest box and ramped Wood Duck box for a month but no eggs. I figured that was what this duckling was going to hatch out to be as I found the eggs where a hen was sitting when she moved while I was spraying down the aviary
Cute ducklings Donna. I just had 3 white mandie babies this morning. Waiting on my white hen woodie to hatch out babies any day now (the dad is a silver.)I lost the white male this winter I think to bumblefoot (had it when I got him and even though you treat it I dont think they live more than a year or so after they get it) My son says hes gonna mount him. Got a pond finally.Check it out on ornamental section.
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First does anyone have a picture of a baby NA pintail? I have three hens that have hatched and they look like silver hammer heads (tree ducks).

And now for the good news..I have 6 Smews babies that hatched today and two more that are doing really well, 3 Hooded Mergansers and a few other things here and there besides the usual! Now if only I could figure out how to get my Ruddy babies to live... I have had 5-6 hatch this year and when we ran out of feed for 3 days (mazuri started) they died and they were eating well.. aggravating
Hi BBB, I am a caring duck owner that is new to ornamental water fowls. Here are some questions I have

I have been making them fresh alads full with bok-chois, cherry tomatoes, lightly fried eggs ( with pam) , meal worms and fresh worms, these mallards gained weight. I have some questions. I spent $130 buying proper dishes to feed ducks ( you know the one with holes), a huge water bucket ( you know the one that you flip upside down), and big huge stainless steel flat bottom dishes so ducks can't tip those over. However, I feel that however hard I try, their food is getting wet in the special duck feeder that I bought from tractor supply and the flat bottom bowls. In addition, the huge water bucket water in four days smelled terrible for fresh water. I cannot feed this water to these ducks so I changed it. How often do you supposed to change water. is that daily? I thought the big container ( 3 gallons) holds lots of water so you can change in couple of days? Also, I am changing their pond water two days a week which is 160 gallons but noticing that they drink out of their pond water where they also poop. Is this what they do?

So couple of questions
1) How do I keep their food dry totally since I tried very hard keeping them specially made dishes and flat bowl bottoms and they still get wet?
2) When the food get wet, they are turning to mush and in this heat smelling not fresh? Shold I throw them out and fill new food since this is going on regularly?
3) Or Should I give them enough food that just for a day? I thought giving enough food assure them that they have plenty to eat when they want?
4) How often do you change 3 gallon water bucket that are purchased from tractor supply?
5) How come mallards are eating salads but mandarins and pin tales wood ducks do not eat salads?
7) I had to buy special Mazuri food that is quiet expensive for game birds beside getting these regular game bird food that you purchase from tractor supply... I realize game birds need special diet but why wont' they touch my fresh made salads>?
Hi BBB, I am a caring duck owner that is new to ornamental water fowls. Here are some questions I have

I have been making them fresh alads full with bok-chois, cherry tomatoes, lightly fried eggs ( with pam) , meal worms and fresh worms, these mallards gained weight. I have some questions. I spent $130 buying proper dishes to feed ducks ( you know the one with holes), a huge water bucket ( you know the one that you flip upside down), and big huge stainless steel flat bottom dishes so ducks can't tip those over. However, I feel that however hard I try, their food is getting wet in the special duck feeder that I bought from tractor supply and the flat bottom bowls. In addition, the huge water bucket water in four days smelled terrible for fresh water. I cannot feed this water to these ducks so I changed it. How often do you supposed to change water. is that daily? I thought the big container ( 3 gallons) holds lots of water so you can change in couple of days? Also, I am changing their pond water two days a week which is 160 gallons but noticing that they drink out of their pond water where they also poop. Is this what they do?

So couple of questions
1) How do I keep their food dry totally since I tried very hard keeping them specially made dishes and flat bowl bottoms and they still get wet?
2) When the food get wet, they are turning to mush and in this heat smelling not fresh? Shold I throw them out and fill new food since this is going on regularly?
3) Or Should I give them enough food that just for a day? I thought giving enough food assure them that they have plenty to eat when they want?
4) How often do you change 3 gallon water bucket that are purchased from tractor supply?
5) How come mallards are eating salads but mandarins and pin tales wood ducks do not eat salads?
7) I had to buy special Mazuri food that is quiet expensive for game birds beside getting these regular game bird food that you purchase from tractor supply... I realize game birds need special diet but why wont' they touch my fresh made salads>?
Hi Kanga baby, thanks for clarifying the permit issues the other day as you specified either to get rid of the wood duck
or to get a retainer license even just to keep them. I finally contacted the sellter and after having lol not a very good conversation,
He is sending me 3-186..

I just do not understand even though I have no intension of breeding, why "non -non commercial" permit is needed. This permit allow inspector to
come in to my property all the time which I did not want just to have a hobby. I think you are right, I ned to really get rid of the wood duck Drake.

That is the only thing I have and others are mandarines. Are there any species that are colorful waterfolws that do not need permits?

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