The Mix and Matches Breeding Project Thread

Have you looked at long legged large breeds like shamo to add to it? I think they are brown egg layers though, so that's gonna be tough to breed out. Saipans are another, they are a heavier bird but not as tall as the shamo from my understanding. Or are you using langshans for leg length?

I plan to work on larger sultans when my breeding flock grows up which will be months yet. I do have some brahma crosses with sultans and even that first generation has a nice little head poof starting.
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Have you looked at long legged large breeds like shamo to add to it?  I think they are brown egg layers though, so that's gonna be tough to breed out.  Saipans are another, they are a heavier bird but not as tall as the shamo from my understanding.  Or are you using langshans for leg length?

I plan to work on larger sultans when my breeding flock grows up which will be months yet.  I do have some brahma crosses with sultans and even that first generation has a nice little head poof starting.
I plan on selective breeding for the longest tail and legs although I may be open to adding breeds that have those traits if they are offered to me. I might look into adding Phoenix blood into it eventually but for the time being I'm going to focus on getting bigger blue layers from this generation and crossing in silkie blood for the dark skin, 5 toes, and other silkie traits. I have a few that are 3/4 silkie 1/4 spangled Russian orloff should be good winter layers. And I'm going to be hatching some eggs from a hen who is half jersey giant half white leghorn who is in with a large fowl black Cochin with pretty good leg feathers and so I might add those into the project. I know a lot Of those breeds lay brown or tan eggs so i will have to breed some better blue layers in every few generations but that's where my black Ameraucanas would come in.
I plan on selective breeding for the longest tail and legs although I may be open to adding breeds that have those traits if they are offered to me. I might look into adding Phoenix blood into it eventually but for the time being I'm going to focus on getting bigger blue layers from this generation and crossing in silkie blood for the dark skin, 5 toes, and other silkie traits. I have a few that are 3/4 silkie 1/4 spangled Russian orloff should be good winter layers. And I'm going to be hatching some eggs from a hen who is half jersey giant half white leghorn who is in with a large fowl black Cochin with pretty good leg feathers and so I might add those into the project. I know a lot Of those breeds lay brown or tan eggs so i will have to breed some better blue layers in every few generations but that's where my black Ameraucanas would come in.
Sounds like you have a good plan.

I'm growing out standard cochins and under all that fluff I was surprised to find they have very long legs.
Sounds like you have a good plan.

I'm growing out standard cochins and under all that fluff I was surprised to find they have very long legs.
really? I haven't checked this Cochin legs as he is my grandma's and not mine but I suppose next time I'm out there I should check that out
Well my cochins are Ideal hatchery mutts and still chicks, but they are long legged. Not sure if all standard cochins would be or not. But the leg length on the cochins are darned close to the length on my malay chicks. I'll have to try to get a picture of them. They are pretty muttly though and a good quality cochin .. may be more proportionate
Well my cochins are Ideal hatchery mutts and still chicks, but they are long legged.  Not sure if all standard cochins would be or not.  But the leg length on the cochins are darned close to the length on my malay chicks.  I'll have to try to get a picture of them.  They are pretty muttly though and a good quality cochin .. may be more proportionate
yeah that does sound reasonable
How The Project Going ?
I'm unhappy with the size of the mixes. It was accidental to begin with and I had planned on eventually using standard sized chickens of a different variety. I have since got hold of standard cochin chicks and will be growing those out to use with the sultans(rooster). I'm also planning to get hold of different bloodlines for my sultans. I have a toenail issue that is driving me insane with them. It seems to be a recessive gene but since my first rooster had it all of my "good" hens now have the recessive form and are throwing it.

The d'uccle mixes have not shown it yet. I may see it soon though since my current sultan rooster is missing one nail. The mixed roosters are fine but are really ugly chickens. They have a strange comb shape that is not a straight normal comb nor yet a V comb like sultans.
Yes @yellowherb please update! I'm looking to cross the Sultans I've ordered for may with Ameraucana. Haven't seen many crosses with Sultans and I'm very interested on how things have progresses for you over the years

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