The moment you realize you have officially become a crazy chicken lady...

Can I be a crazy chicken lady too? Even though I’m a guy?

I see scrap lumber and pallets at work and I think “hmmm I can add on to my coop!”. I’ve got 30 pallets and 100 2x4’s out back just waiting for me to get the ambition to build something. I’m thinking a nice covered run of sorts.
Well of course you can ;)
Haha. Where'd you get it?

I'm chicken crazy too. I would much rather spend my free time outside with my animals than inside watching tv or something.

Does anyone else actually enjoy getting eggs too?
Absolutely!! And I just saw it out in front of a light stores parking lot.. they are always putting those wood pallets out there as well.. the one that was there with the cage was too big for me to get.. otherwise...;)
Can I be a crazy chicken lady too? Even though I’m a guy?

I see scrap lumber and pallets at work and I think “hmmm I can add on to my coop!”. I’ve got 30 pallets and 100 2x4’s out back just waiting for me to get the ambition to build something. I’m thinking a nice covered run of sorts.
I vote.. YES! :lol:

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