The NEW Crazy 24hr AUCTION thread

i'm down a hatcher and just set 400 eggs so this is what was left over. These can ship today assuming i receive payment promptly. Mix and match as you please. All eggs are from today or at most 5 days old.

To claim:
POST sold below with what you want and then PM me your email address. i will then invoice via paypal. OR, you can pay direct to [email protected] but PLEASE attach a note with what you are buying!!!! ALSO, include phone number in that note if you want held for pick up.
up to 12 eggs, $15 double boxed
up to 20 eggs, $20 double boxed
up to 40 eggs, $30 single boxed or choose double boxed and its $20 per box.
HEAT pack if desired is $4.

Black Orpington (english):
i have eggs set to hatch from this pen, testing the male to see if he is split to chocolate. i don't know yet but should within a week or two based on what hatches. Pen is all black. so you will either hatch all black or anything that hatches chocolate will be a pullet.:
19 eggs at $3 each.

Easter Eggers:
5 eggs at $2 each

Spangled/Mottled Orpingtons:
These are my project line. you still may have chicks with some red bleed but i would think not more than about 15-20%, i culled very heavily. you may also hatch some lavender spangled/mottled or lav split to s/m from these eggs. PROJECT disclaimer same as above. These are further along so you will either get s/m or occasionally lav s/m or black or occasionally lavender split to s/m.
SOLD eggs at $4 each

Spangled/Mottled Orpingtons: pen 2
PROJECT. See disclaimer above. Again this is further along 4th generation. you can hatch s/m, black split to s/m, blue split to s/m, and occasionally lav s/m or split to s/m.
11 eggs at $4 each

pics can be seen: or
edited to reflect what sold thus far
Last offering on my eggs for this year
Auction ends at 3pm CST Saturday March 7th. PayPay due by 10am Sunday. These will be mailed Monday March 9th.

Auction 1. 8+ Wheaten Sulmtaler eggs. Bid starts at $48 and includes shipping. I have been raising Sulmtalers for several years now. Check out the links in my signature for more info on the breed.

Auction 2. 18+ Bama's BEST eggs. Bid starts at $45 and includes shipping. These are eggs from my F1's of Legbar hens covered by Sulmtaler roosters. The eggs are blue to light olive color.

Auction 3. 10+ Blue & Whites. Bid starts at $30 and includes shipping. Leghorn hens and a Leghorn x Legbar hen covered by a Leghorn x Legbar rooster. I get an egg a day from each of these hens.

I only send the freshest eggs. I bubble wrap and double box. The post office can hurt your eggs and I can't control your incubator. References in the chat thread.


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AUCTION ENDS 3/12/15 10:20AM CST. 5 auctions in one post. Specify the Auction number and your bid. Increase bids by minimum $1, please. :)


AUCTION #1: TWO Bielefelder eggs (can ship in same box if other auction won).
Starting bid $2.00

AUCTION #2: SIX Swedish Flower hen eggs
Starting bid $12.00

AUCTION #3: SIX Altsteirer eggs
Starting bid $12.00

AUCTION #4: ONE DOZEN Sulmtaler eggs
Starting bid $24.00

AUCTION #5: FOUR Trout / Grey / Mallard Indian Runner duck eggs (can ship in same box if other auction won).

Starting bid $8.00

Please contact me via pm as soon as the auction ends for payment. Buyers will have to pay tomorrow morning via paypal so I can guarantee freshness & ship Thursday morning!!

SHIPPING is $20 per box. Thank you everybody...


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