Good cold Afternoon. It’s very hard to stay upright in this ice and snow. So far I have managed to do it though, must be my guardian angels. Here is some pictures from today. Sure didn’t want to show y’all all the poopy snow. It’s disgusting.🤢
One of my phoenix hens that went through treatment started to lay again today. I saw her way up in the rafters in an old pigeon nest; her first for this clutch. I rather think I'll hold off for a while before I let any of the birds go broody.

The weather predicts a slight warming trend for us. Daytime highs in the 40s and 50s. I will happily take it.

Good night all.
I don't need another emu. I don't need another emu. I don't need another emu.

View attachment 2968190

...I might need another emu.
I will send you as many as you need! We have far more than needed. Fun story, in 1932 the west brought the millitary in for "the great Emu war" to try reduce the population. The emus won...
Good Morning Everyone.

Last month I had a serama hen hatch two chicks. I always bring them into the house in order to give them a good start. When the chicks were about a week old the hen, overnight, became unbalanced and wobbly when she walked. Her vertical tail was/is carried down. A few days later the chicks died. The hen is still in the house living in an 100 hundred gallon aquarium. All symptoms point to the problem being viral arthritis. Not good. A few weeks later the hen laid an egg. I have provided a nest bowl and she now has three eggs. When she has 5 to 8 eggs she is likely to go broody. The eggs are infertile and I am sure any chicks she should hatch would contract the disease and die. I am wondering about other specie eggs, possibly duck or quail. Thoughts? Will a hen with viral arthritis lay and brood? Or am I dealing with something else? It is highly unlikely she hurt herself in any fashion.
Good Morning Everyone.

Last month I had a serama hen hatch two chicks. I always bring them into the house in order to give them a good start. When the chicks were about a week old the hen, overnight, became unbalanced and wobbly when she walked. Her vertical tail was/is carried down. A few days later the chicks died. The hen is still in the house living in an 100 hundred gallon aquarium. All symptoms point to the problem being viral arthritis. Not good. A few weeks later the hen laid an egg. I have provided a nest bowl and she now has three eggs. When she has 5 to 8 eggs she is likely to go broody. The eggs are infertile and I am sure any chicks she should hatch would contract the disease and die. I am wondering about other specie eggs, possibly duck or quail. Thoughts? Will a hen with viral arthritis lay and brood? Or am I dealing with something else? It is highly unlikely she hurt herself in any fashion.
I had never heard of viral arthritis until you just mentioned it. in case anyone else wants to read up on it.
I'm sorry you lost the chicks. :(
I had never heard of viral arthritis until you just mentioned it. in case anyone else wants to read up on it.
I'm sorry you lost the chicks. :(
From what I've read it isn't uncommon, but I'd never heard of it before. The readings say to euthanize as there is no cure. My wife is against it as the hen does not seem to be in any pain. Of course, she is being kept isolated from other birds and if she does go broody I may as well let her, but I can't find if it's safe to let her hatch another specie eggs.

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