The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

Anyone live in PA that would want a SLW rooster as a pet. 17 weeks old.
wish I was close
but we also have way to many chickens
I am very thankful for this thread. I was beginning to think that all 8 of my SLW chicks were roos! Their combs seem to be red. But after reading this ENTIRE thread...I can now identify some pullets
Which makes me very happy since I ordered ALL pullets. Still have a couple of roos, but they may turn out OK too!

Thanks again to all you experts and learners too
Catherine of Aragon, my SLW (21 wks old) squatted in front of me today and i'm excited that i should be getting an egg within the next two weeks (hopefully sooner).
Exciting! My first silver laced Wyandotte egg pipped today! Can't wait to have some of these beauties.

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