The Sizzle Thread!

Yep, breed them to a Silkie. You keep improving type that way. You'll get Sizzles (smooth and frizzled), normal Silkies and frizzled Silkies (frilkies).

They're cute
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now what about the pizzles? Is that getting to frankensteinish?
I don't know about Pizzles. I know a lot of folks on this thread have used frizzled Polish to get the frizzle gene, and there are some nice looking Sizzles that were produced by taking that route. But, I say go for it. If nothing else, you'll end up with some really cute mixes!
Prepare yourselves, I took ALOT of pictures today

This is the only cockerel I've (knowingly) kept back this year. We're calling him Swiffer. I'm not all that happy with his crest, but I'll put him over my Silkie hens when it's breeding time.

I'd really hoped that smooth was a cockerel as well, but it's looking awfully girly....

I REALLY love this girl (
) it's hard to see all of the lovely blue in her tail and feet in the pictures. I had a smooth just like her, but unfortunately I sold her. Now I'm wishing I hadn't done that

This girl is very photogenic. She just sits pretty while I snap away with my camera.

See? Gorgeous!

Now, this little booger is, well, a booger. She spent her time during our photo sesh following me around pecking and kicking the camera. She's actually super sweet, but turns into a little devil when it's picture taking time. See the stink eye she's giving me?

A frizzled Silkie (Frilkie).

I have no idea what color this smooth is. It's hard to see, but it has a faint ring of almost lavender around it's neck. I guess it's a dilute splash. I dunno.

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Here is my smooth feathered sizzle. I have him with a partridge sizzle hens.
What color would you call this? His colors reflect light... he reminds me of a golden pheasant.
Is there any way possible for a solid black sizzle to come from a blue sizzle to partridge breeding? I have a sizzle hen with a paint roo and they threw a partridge sizzle chick. I know that both came from correct color pens. I breed the black hen from a blue and black pen and the breeder my roo came from was a black and paint pen, just confused. Can a silkie carry the sizzle gene but not show it?
These 2 came from this hen.
This roo

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