The Svart Hona (Swedish Black Hen) Thread!

Could anyone point me in the direction of a Swedish Black Hen breeder? In a few months (late winter, early spring) or whenever their birds are laying, I will be interested in purchasing eggs for hatching, but I'm having the darndest time finding anyone at all who breeds them. I get a lot of 'oh I'm not breeding them anymore' or 'I only sell chickens, not hatching eggs'. I want to get between 8 and a dozen, and my budget says hatching eggs are the only way to go!

So if you know of anyone who *reliably* breeds Svart Hona and will sell hatching eggs when their birds lay, let me know!

Got 5Gs?
Greenfire Farms just released their Svart Hona (Swedish Black Hens) today.
Here is a picture of one of their roosters and one of mine. I am excited to have another bloodline to work with in the US

Hi, are you selling any Svart Hona chicks or hatching eggs? If so, what are your prices? I am very interested in this breed.
Oh, sure, get us all excited and then post nothing!
How available are these in the US. I have 5 Rhode Island Red hens but would love to have some of these as well.. Now this may sound dumb but, I assume the yolk of the egg is yellow....

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