The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

I just got my first egg from my tetra tints. They just turned 16 wks so I didn't expect any this soon. I thought they were suppose to be white? Mine looks brown with lots of white spots and feels rough. I purchased them from tractor supply this year .Look at my egg pic and tell me what you think?:pop
That is exactly what my tetra tint eggs look like.

Are my tetras close to laying? Im not sure how old they are. I just want eggs already!! Lol

My tetra started laying at 17 weeks. They lay cream color to brown color eggs. My chickens combs got bright red before they started laying.
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I have a questions for those of you who know about Tetra Tints.  I have one pullet that started out yellow.  She is 6 weeks old now and looks white.  However, compared to my white plymouth pullet (who is truly white), the other chick has a definite yellow tint to her feathers.  I'll try to post some photos of her if I can get them.  She does look white in pictures, but in person she is an "off" color.  She had a little yellow single comb and bright yellow legs and a short tail (compared to the others).  Is her coloring typical of a Tetra Tint?  We were told she's a white leghorn, but I have serious doubts about that.  ;)

My tetra tints are a bright white with some cream colored feathers. They are a very pretty, gentle, curious bird!
My tetra tints are a bright white with some cream colored feathers. They are a very pretty, gentle, curious bird!
Thanks for the reply. I'm pretty sure my "yellow bird" is an Amber White and not a tetra tint. She's almost 17 weeks and is a fairly solid pale yellow color. She is getting very big (so definitely not a leghorn) but still has a tiny comb and looks like a pullet. Can't wait to get an egg from her, but I think it is going to be a while longer. ;)

Here's my Tetra Tint hen. She began to lay at 17 1/2 weeks and her eggs are white and still rather small but with strong shells. She has laid about 7 thus far, laying a couple of days and then skipping a day. Her comb reddened quickly and is larger now and tends to flop over for a rakish look. She is curious and a wanderer, meaning that we had to trim the flight feathers from her right wing to keep her in the fenced yard. She won't sleep in the coop with the RIR hens but roosts instead on a cloth I draped over the handlebars of a bicycle parked in the garage. Before we trimmed the flight feathers she roosted on the garage door railing - the highest point in the garage. She uses the coop to get out of the rain, eat what she doesn't forage for or get tossed as treats and to lay her eggs. I hope to have more like her when I retire and have more acreage.
I have 3 tetra tints and 2 Dixie rainbows - they are all about 17 or 18 weeks now and when we found our first egg in the run - in the dirt - one of the plump Dixie Rainbows was sitting on it so my son reported her as the 1st egg producer - BUT - after our discover I started watching them more closely. One of our three tetra tints has been acting very strangely. First, she has developed a larger and much redder comb/wattle and I was afraid she might be a Roo!, but she was running around digging holes and rolling in the dirt and I noticed her vent seemed to be opening and closing - I though we were going to have a second egg! But when no additional egg showed up, I realized that she is most likely our first egg layer and was confused and possibly a little uncomfortable after her first egg!! I gave her a special treat this morning of bread soaked in warm milk.

She also spent the night outside the coop one day last week - When she didn't coop up and I couldn't find her, I thought a fox got her, but there she was the next morning pecking around the yard. The next night she tried to roost up in a rather high tree branch so I shooshed her down with a rake and put her in the coop. Since then, I make sure to go out a little early to ensure she gets in the coop and now seems to be back into the habit of going in with the rest of them every evening around 8:30pm.
Is there any possible way to tell Tetra Tints apart?! Ours are all identical! I feel bad about not naming them but I wouldn't be able to know whos who.

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