The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤


In this one you can see that he is very different from my pullets.

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thanks.....yes i can see that one really looks like a roo!...maybe mine just has different tail feathers from my other two!...
My TetraTint "Tetra" is a Mommy! She didn't hatch her own egg, but I had another hen go broody, and she was sitting on one of Tetra's eggs so I have one very cute little chickie! The father was my big Blue Cochin "Krull", It is the largest chick of the group, and makes me think so much of Tetra when I got her, except for the little feathered legs. Just had to share!

Here it is, hoping its a little girl, she even has the random black spots on her back!

And here is a group shot of all her half siblings

thanks..jallny......beautiful birds!!!.....if that what the roo looks like ...then i think there s hope for me!!!......yoie..cute babies!!!!
All of the Tetra Tints that I got last year are from central tractor are wonderful laying machines, right through winter, I have had three go broody and so our egg count has gone down. I let one of the broody girls sit on some friends easter egger cross eggs. She has been a terrific mom the chicks are 3 weeks old now.
I had 9 TaraTints chickens I coon got all besides 2. I have fixed my run up so the coon can not get back in (for now) I put my 2 girls that was left back in the run. A week latter I got two Ameraucanas. They are a little small and when I put them in the run with the other two the Tints peek them on the head and back. Is that just them saying "HI" or are they bulling them around and might hurt them? I have the two Ameraucanas in a cage in my basement right now.
if they are smaller...the big ones are bulling to wait till they are about the same size....sorry about your others...

Can't get a good pic of his back but his back and the back of his head are rusty orange...kinda dirty looking at this point. In the top pic of his head- comb and wattles, he is the same age as the RIR roo behind him - 10 weeks. I'm gonna get rid of this Tetra roo as he is aggressive and tries to attack me when I open the tractor to feed or water or even give him a treat. Thanks for all of the advise on this thread, you all have beautiful chickens!
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I'm back...
The babies are 3 months old now and I'm still not certain about the gender.

This is the *most* roosterish one of the bunch

He (she/it?) clearly looks nothing like the pics posted by jallny of her 3mos old roo, but I'm still not convinced. As zinia mentioned, they are going through an adolescent molt (there are feathers everywhere!) But, this one hasn't lost/regrown its tail feathers yet, which look really roosterish to me.

I failed to mention in my previous post, that to complicate the whole gender identity issue we have, that I was not present when the chicks were purchased and I failed to emphasize the importance of asking whether the chicks had been sexed. The receipt said "straight run" but most of the locals on facebook who got them this year from the local TSC, got them as pullets. I had though, based on early feather growth, that I had two hens and four roos. Now I'm starting to think that they were pullets and I may have one roo (if this one is, and after looking at jallny's pics I'm not sure about that.)

Does anyone have an opinion on the gender? Pics of your roos at various ages would be wonderful too.

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