So how are everyone's peafowl? Mine got me up at 5 this morning screaming their heads off in the barn for no apparent reason... When I went down, 5 males were fanning simultaneously!
Where can I buy peafowl hatching eggs? How do they do if they are shipped? What do eggs usually cost?
I can't seem to find answers to my questions. Too many threads or feeds with different answers. So if you all can help me, it would be nice. BTW, this is my Mom's account and I was told to research the birds before I got them. I have to work to raise my own money for pens and the birds and I turn 16 this summer so I can start putting away money for this. I know some that have these birds and they roost in pretty tall trees and barns. Seen them get on second story porches.

1. I want to keep two males and about eight females. Will this ratio be okay? I am pen keeping my birds as free ranging unsupervised is out of the question thanks to gun happy idiots as well as predators.

2. Since my birds have to be penned, can I teach them to return to the pen if I let them out or they escape? Can it be done with food?

3. Another pen question, I don't want to do a top on the pen since I plan on a very large pen. At what height should my fences be? Perches? to keep them from flying over. Another reason for this is I heard they hurt themselves on the top if they get startled since their reaction is to fly up.

4. I want to do a large pen for all my birds with housing for cold weather since I am in WV. I was thinking a 24 foot by 48 foot pen or should it be bigger for 10 birds?

5. If I put the perchs in the building only, will that get them to sleep there? I plan on putting fencing on the roof of the building, canted inwards to keep them from getting onto the roof and out of the pen.

6. I want my pen to be natural. Trees and plants. I read they will eat most of what is in there so know I will be have to replant often. Can I put netting or fencing on the trees to keep them from using them as roosts or getting out? I know any trees near the fence will have to be trimmed so the fence will go under them without bending.

7. I DO NOT want to clip wings. But if I do, will that keep them in? If I have to clip wings, will keeping them penned keep them as safe as possible thanks to this alteration?

It all started as a pair of India blues for a Christmas gift for the wife and now we are up to 8!

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