The Welsummer Thread!!!!


There was more feathers, but it seems to gone down
The bird is pretty old but pretty active she's just as fast as the younger ones lol
Could that be it? Since she's old? ( she is probably about 4 years I believe)
These are stubs - an atavistic trait, from their ancestor, which pop up from case to case.
The breed standards for Welsummers in different countries mention this as fault.
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What is the darkest welsummer egg line that I can get hatching eggs from?

Here is how the standard describes the egg:
Welsummer eggs should be of good size Colour: A rich, deep red-brown, as dark as possible. Some products are speckled and occasionally blotched. Glossy eggs are produced but the matt egg is the preferred.

I find that my darkest eggs are about a 4-5 on the Marans scale. But one significant difference from a Marans is that lovely terra-cotta (red-brown) undertone that you don't want to lose by aiming for a dark chocolate brown. Here is the batch I just set from my hens who have been laying since December.


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