The Welsummer Thread!!!!

TheFF - they are mixes, not pure. The 2nd one looks to be either a Dark Cornish cross or Barnevelder cross. I can't see the comb well enough, but from the width, it looks like Dark Cornish. The other 2 look like they could be Welsummer mixes.
That is such a bummer! After raising them and integrating them into my flock they aren't what they were supposed to be. Hopefully they lay dark eggs, then all will not be lost.
That is such a bummer! After raising them and integrating them into my flock they aren't what they were supposed to be. Hopefully they lay dark eggs, then all will not be lost.

Sorry. Never trust the advise of a feedstore employee - 99.9% of the time, they don't have a clue what they are talking about.
I am so very happy that I went ahead and purchased my wellies. They are pretty awesome. Still don't have any eggs, but agree that they are very excellent. Ihave 6 wellies, 8 americauna, 10 isa? (red egg layers), and 3 cornish rock. The wellies eat the least, they are the most quiet, calmest ones of them all. I just love them. But..... It's come time to take a couple roos out of the bunch and butcher them. I've thought about keeping them all since they are so wonderful, but what good are the extra two roos? LOL. Asking for opinions on which one of the roos to keep for breeding for next year. I figured on just keeping the biggest healthiest looking roo. Here are some pics of the 6 (3 roos, 3 hens) together. They should all be 4 1/2 to 5 months old in mid August.

My Welsummer that hatched Feb 1st laid her first egg today! Of course it was in the corner floor of the run, but excited anyway. I put it in the nest box. Maybe she will go there to lay the next one.
I am so very happy that I went ahead and purchased my wellies. They are pretty awesome. Still don't have any eggs, but agree that they are very excellent. Ihave 6 wellies, 8 americauna, 10 isa? (red egg layers), and 3 cornish rock. The wellies eat the least, they are the most quiet, calmest ones of them all. I just love them. But..... It's come time to take a couple roos out of the bunch and butcher them. I've thought about keeping them all since they are so wonderful, but what good are the extra two roos? LOL. Asking for opinions on which one of the roos to keep for breeding for next year. I figured on just keeping the biggest healthiest looking roo. Here are some pics of the 6 (3 roos, 3 hens) together. They should all be 4 1/2 to 5 months old in mid August.
They are still pretty young to evaluate a keeper for breeding. I would grow them out a while longer and keep an eye on temperament with them.
i see white between the tail feathers and the butt of the bird ..i see this on my roo as well this a common trait in wellie roo's..?????..

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