The Wyandotte Bantam Thread

ok I will have to see if I can find them there is one hatchery that sells them and it has 25 min order I don't want that many
My black was reserve best of breed at the St Johns Poultry Show. My first Best of Breed!


Do you still have wyandotte bantams? If so where do you buy your stock? Where do you live? Black wyandotte bantams were what I raised until I got rid of chickens to travel in our retirement. Now I'm looking to get back in to breeding these cute little birds. I checked out Purely Poultry & Cackle but Cackle doesn't ship to Canada nor Purely Poultry.
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I am thinking about getting Wyandotte Bantams. They are so beautiful. I live in a very tiny urban lot. I am planning on 4 in a coop that will be 4 x 5ft and a run that will be 8 x 5 feet. I plan on letting them free range 3 or 4 times per week for a few hours a day. I have 2 questions:

Will they be happy enough in this environment or should I go for a more docile breed?

Can they be friendly enough to be held and cuddled? I have 2 girls--8 and 10--and they are wanting "pet" chickens.

Other breed varieties I was contemplating were as follows:
Pekin chickens which I can't seem to find at any hatchery
Bantam Cochins (but I worry about their feathered feet and doing well in Wisconsin winters)
Bantam Orpingtons.

Any and all advice is welcome.


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