The Wyandotte Thread

thanks.i guess there is a big diffrents ..i now no my roo's able and so are a few of my i have seen the bullseye in my eggs and a few with just the white dot ..i have one roo for 21 girls so i guess hes not getting after all of them everey day what a life that would be thanks again for the lesson in fertility in eggs ..its this kind of info that makes this site so great ..

i have never hatched any eggs but plan to next spring ..i plan on letting one of my brooders hatch them ..unless santa's good to me this yr and brings me the bator i wanted from the tractor store
Yep, you have way too many hens for one male. I would do a MAX of 10 hens per male, 5-7 would be better.
Yep, you have way too many hens for one male. I would do a MAX of 10 hens per male, 5-7 would be better.
yeah i no ..hes a wellie and i have 6 wellie hens ..i was suppost to have them cooped together in a diffrent coop but winter desided its goping to have to wait till spring now ..i planned on just him with the wellies and just hatching eggs from them..i was thinking a male wyandotte next spring as well ..i am looking for a breeder near me in western ny with columbians..
Well my only white wyandotte hen died yesterday. I do still have my Roo so I am going to move some choc pullets in with him and see what I get. Fingers crossed for some good stuff under that white. We will also find out if he is dom white or recessive. My guess is recessive (that is a bit harder to remove). Anybody want to toss out some options of what I will get..... Cuckoo is at the top of my list...... blue maybe HEHE..... could be fun to see what is under there.
sorry to hear of your loss...maybe you'll get a new white one ..
I have a GLW she is 26 weeks old. Red red face!!! When do they usually start laying? I have a Rock who lays a pretty round egg. I'm now getting another pretty round egg but lighter brown. I've never caught her in box. And she's so Timid I can't get close enough to her to see if she's squatting. All my other hens love me
but she's pretty bossy towards the older hens and me.
Will someone post a picture of their GLW eggs? I have a mixed flock and can't tell if my Goldie is laying or if it's one other lady I have. I would really appreciate it! Thanks in advance !
Will someone post a picture of their GLW eggs? I have a mixed flock and can't tell if my Goldie is laying or if it's one other lady I have. I would really appreciate it! Thanks in advance !

My GWL LAY Brown eggs I don't have a pic of them but that is what color GWL LAY I hope that helps

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