The Wyandotte Thread

Those eggs look fertile but the blood is meat spots.... not development. It will happens sometimes with chickens, they can get pretty big and kinda gross. I have seen them with blood in the white and big globs about the size of a lima bean of bigger.
i've been finding blood spots in a couple of my eggs ..i thought maybe it had something to do with the roo dancing on their backs to often didnt seem like i found any blood in my eggs till i got him the blood a sign of something wrong..
Ok, thanks! I've bought the eggs anyway but I might just sell the chickens from the hatch if need be, I'm thinking about putting a second coop in for breeding sometime next year so we will see.

I swapped out the fake eggs from under my broody today to put the new fertile ones under her and found 3 real eggs that I also removed.
She's only been sitting for 3 days so
I cracked them open to see if there were any "bullseyes" and found this-




Is that what I think it is?!
Have I just paid $45 (Australian) for a dozen of someone else's fertile eggs for no reason?!
That looks like a baby chick might have started developing in one of those!!
your rooster is fertile . The eggs you posted earkier, were they from a new layer? If yes maybe he just had not started mating with her yet. I know my Roo waits a few days after they have laid before he let's them in his favorite lady club. lol the other two look good! I think but don't quote me!
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i've been finding blood spots in a couple of my eggs ..i thought maybe it had something to do with the roo dancing on their backs to often didnt seem like i found any blood in my eggs till i got him the blood a sign of something wrong..
I'm curious myself about the blood spots ? I found a big one a week ago but one out of 8 laying hens isn't bad.
I saw a video that was made by auburn and the usda on the egg laying cycle and they showed how blood spots happen. They can also shed the lining that will go I to the egg. Probably on YouTube if you want to look it up. Great video.
Thank you ! I definitely will I plan on my bantam setting if she decides but will use my EE's eggs since I have the EE Roo and 4 EE's maybe give a RIR or BR in the mix. I want to make sure the eggs are healthy!
Hi there,
Here is a picture of one of my BlR Wyandottes. As you can see, her coloring is not perfect. (I think she came from mcmurray hatchery)

So, my question is, since I'm going to be ordering some more BLRW's from Meyer hatchery, has any one ordered those from them? and if so, what do you think? would you order through them again?
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Hi there,
Here is a picture of one of my BlR Wyandottes. As you can see, her coloring is not perfect. (I think she came from mcmurray hatchery)

So, my question is, since I'm going to be ordering some more BLRW's from Meyer hatchery, has any one ordered those from them? and if so, what do you think? would you order through them again?
it depends on what your after ..a show bird you will want to get from a reputable breeder ..if your just wanting to have birds for the eggs then any hatchery will prolly do ..i have never ordered from mcmurrys but i have from cackle hatchery ..i no the tractor store here sells mcmurrys ...some places are a little better then others but i wouldnt say one is the best ..i think they all have good things and bad things about them ..
it depends on what your after ..a show bird you will want to get from a reputable breeder ..if your just wanting to have birds for the eggs then any hatchery will prolly do ..i have never ordered from mcmurrys but i have from cackle hatchery ..i no the tractor store here sells mcmurrys ...some places are a little better then others but i wouldnt say one is the best ..i think they all have good things and bad things about them ..

Not looking to show, just for a bird that does well, and has fairy good coloring and production.

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