The Wyandotte Thread

Cute! Now you can take that toy out of there before they poop all over it!

Too late!! I bought it just for them to poop on anyway. They love that thing.
Colby..... I didn't think you were a SLW kinda girl. the roosters are bigger than you are

What?! Colby is a girl?

I am pretty sure

I know a few girls named Colby
Got a question for the BLRW people with more experience than I have:

Is there a correlation between the chick down markings and the adult pattern? What I mean is, most of my chicks have very distinct chipmunk stripes. Others not so much, they are basically the same color, but the stripes are "blurry", or there is no cream stripe at all. Most of them are blues that I notice this on.

Is there any way to tell which ones will be better laced?
I noticed today, I have a hen, that instead of having the opposite coloring in her hackles, she has the same coloring, meaning, red inside with blue feathering all the way up to her head. She is a beautiful bird in my opinion, and I like it better than the hens that are "correct" with the opposite lacing as the body, as it is supposed to be according to the Wyandotte standard.

Maybe I can start a new variety...? LOL

I'll try & take a pic of her tomorrow, she is truly georgeous!

Just a couple quick questions..
I'm a newbie!

I have eight, 9 day old BLRW's that are in the beginning stages of feathering out. How old will they be before I know what sex they are? I only have room enough in my coop for 9 chickens at the most. I'm hoping to know what they are at around 6-8 weeks before I take them outside to live in the coop.

Also, I'm tempted to get 3-4 silkie chicks (chicken math!!!) to have in case a few of my BLRW's are roosters. I only plan to keep one BLRW roo.

SO, I'm wondering - since these chicks are over a week old already, would it be safe to put day old silkie chicks in with them or should I section them off?

Thanks in advance!!
I am pretty sure

I know a few girls named Colby

I guess since I've got a grandson named Colby I think boy when I hear the name.

Yeah, it's short for Colbert. I was supposed to be a boy. Instead, I got the Robby/Bobby end of it (add a "Y" to anything and it can become a girl). think Jerry'd leave Rebecca alone with a guy? She's got great gams and she likes to wear shorts
Okay, that didn't sound right.

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