The Wyandotte Thread

we would starve to death if we had to wait for the Wyandottes to start laying. They do take their sweet time.

Getting tired of this KY day we have the air conditioner on and the next we have the heat on. Cold today with the heat on, and Sunday was 90*
I see you have sveral wyandottes , Peaky Beaky. Is this something that is specific to the breed color or are all wyandottes this slow maturing? I love my wyandottes, they are my eye candy, but it may be more economical to choose a faster maturing breed.
Yes-with more coming! They are slow to mature. We like them for their color, personality, size and ability to withstand cold bitter winter weather-plus they lay a nice sized egg. We also have 2 Comets( a friend gave us)-they lay huge eggs, but are bossy and always have frostbite on their combs. I got hooked on 'dots once I saw Foley's birds. I just had to have some
Everyone is different, but that's my 2 cents
Yes they aren't the fastest maturing breed.... but I've heard they will lay really good for a long time. And I'm currently getting 40-48 eggs a week out of my 8 BLRW girls! I will never not have a pen of wyandottes! And hopefully soon I will add SLWs

Turbos...what's your waiting list like on SLWs????
I just had to ask!
It depends on where you are at. The Kentuky Bluegrass folks pronounce it one way, Arkies another. Texas lone star another and those Yankee folks really have a way to say it. Most say it wine dot. but then they say depends on teh part of the country. Tomato...tomauto...but it is still a rose!
I think you will find that a lot of the Large Fowl poultry bred toward the APA standard are slow growers...Wyandottes are not really mature until they are 18 months old, but I normally get eggs from the pullets at around 7-9 months old..I find the Wyandottes are cold hardy and lay fairly well during the winter. They wont lay like a production red, or a hatchery white leghorn...but they arent nervous like them either...our Wyandottes are very laid back and easy going..not the crazy bantams though...We have a line of Black Bantam Wyandottes that must lay 300-350 eggs per hen...but the males are pretty aggressive, just ask Mrs. Turbo.

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