The Wyandotte Thread

Yes they aren't the fastest maturing breed.... but I've heard they will lay really good for a long time. And I'm currently getting 40-48 eggs a week out of my 8 BLRW girls! I will never not have a pen of wyandottes! And hopefully soon I will add SLWs

Turbos...what's your waiting list like on SLWs????
I just had to ask!

The list for SLWs is getting pretty long....I am about 9-10 weeks out, but last year I bumped up orders when we had extra chicks. It also depends on the number of chicks ordered.

I feed the one pen of black bantams with something in my hand at all times. That dude needs to go!
Hey everyone! I have a quick question!

I posted something similar to this in it's own thread, but there weren't any replys! Thanks for any input that you may have!

I have ordered 20 Wyandottes (10 Golden Laced and 10 Silver Laced)! I am so excited! But, also slightly confused... I had learned here that they are great broodies and mothers. But when I was looking at the Henderson's Chicken Chart, it said that they don't brood very often, but when they do, they are great mothers. I'm just a bit confused... Let me know what you think. Maybe your experience, or what you know about somebody else's experience?

Thanks once again!
guess it depends on where you get them....we have broody wyandottes and have to break them all the time.

We posted some BLRW breeding tips on the bottom of our BLRW page if any one wants to check it out......chick season you know.

of course, these are just our opinions on breeding and others may have other ways of doing things.
Oh I so hope my 6 (3 silver, 3 gold laced) Wyandottes grow up to be broody! I don't have as much luck incubating and hoping the move *back to nature* is more successful than me for chicks!
I bought a BLRW hen off of Mrs Turbo last fall, and she is currently my only broody. Im not sure, but I think that breeder birds are more likely to go broody than hatchery birds.
I wish mine were not so broody. They no sooner start laying and they are wanting to set! I have to break them up a lot to keep them going and to keep the ones I want to show in condition.
This week's broody ..... just after she growled and bit me!


These 2 outside and angry that she won't share the nest.


Last week's broody, with her 3 chicks (4 days old) outside today.



By the way ..... I LOVE that they go broody!
Wish I had just 1 4 trying. Tired of throwing them off of nests. They are almost as broody as cochins at times.
For me, they are too broody. I dislike it greatly. It would be one thing if they were like Cochins and good mothers but in all my years and experiences they are terrible mothers. Mine would always sit for a week or two and then when it got time for eggs to hatch they would hop off and not go back on. The bantam Wyandottes especially...ugh, they always drive me crazy. If I want to have a broody chicken, I will buy some nice Cochin bantams...they always hatch well and are not too large in size to cause a problem with crushing eggs and are always Serious about hatching chicks!
Hatched a couple barred chicks out of my whites crossed with my blacks. Only one is still alive and doing well but Ive go the parents in the breeding pens hoping to hatch a bunch more.
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