The Wyandotte Thread

My chicks are at 10 weeks and finally starting to really look like chickens. A couple of weeks ago, when I posted pictures, I got a lot of "Granite is a roo" comments. Well, at the time, he/she had a wider comb than Opal (the other SLW) and was also larger with very thick legs. Now, I'm starting to wonder. Granite doesn't act like the other two cockerals and is looking more and more like Opal. What do y'all think?



This is Opal. She is still the smallest of the lot.

And these are my two GLW's:

Amber - always the FIRST to check out a new treat and prefers to eat them from my lap

And Ruby
got a question, tsc made me a deal 6 wyandotte chicks for a dollar.. what im supposed to say NO? they are all black and silver week old's. what color should I expect them to be?

Now I've got my mom hooked hahahahha.. well me and Nadine she has Wyandotte's so we knew what they would look like jsut not what colors to expect.

blessed be )O(
I loved my SLW color but they turned nasty or so I thought. They would peck our hands as soon as we tried to pet them. Once they started laying though most of that stopped. They will peck our hands if they are in the nest boxes but out in the yard they are nice if we pet them.

Hello Wyandotte thread people. I am usually a Michigan thread person but recently got hatchery SL wyandottes (yeah I know) and they all have brown, tan, white, black heads and black and white bodies, wings and tails. From their heads I would guess they are really mutts. Any input?
A couple of quick questions regarding my black wyandotte chicks (8 weeks old):
Will black on the comb fade with age or is it permanent? The coloring starts at the base of the beak and travels to the front of the comb. Is this the dreaded "gypsy face"? Does it throw genetically or is it random freckling? I'm new to this color variety and learning as I go. Do other black breeds such as austalorps have these issues to your knowledge?
Colby in Kentucky

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