The Wyandotte Thread

We all need to try to put the Black back in the tails of the Silver Pencilled and Partridge females. I am starting with Partridge this year and that is my main objective. Breed to what the Standard calls for not the FADS. Also watch closely for "bunny tail" because this is contrary to the Standard also.
Funny, I have 0 pictures of my bantams from behind. I will have to get some.

Here is LF that is molting in but it shows the top 2 parti colored, you'll just have to use your imagination for the black feathers that have fallen out. haha l.

Stunning birds!!
The only 'problem' I see is the rooster his comb.
I used a rooster last year with more or less the same comb and hens with a very good comb (following the line of the neck and not too rough).
I hatched good looking hens and roosters but ALL the cockerels had that same 'bad' comb.
Just a tip :)
The coloring of the hen is very sharp, really like that :)
I'm really starting to like our bantam silver penciled. I see a huge change in the peep coloration the last 2 hatched-can't wait to see how they grow out.

Wow! That hen is beautiful! Where'd you get them?
I'm really starting to like our bantam silver penciled. I see a huge change in the peep coloration the last 2 hatched-can't wait to see how they grow out.

As far as top colour is concerned those are as nice as any I've ever seen-especially the femalhile. While they are not posed well type looks good too. My only question would be about leg colour. They almost appear white legged. I asume that's just how they show up in this picture.
As far as top colour is concerned those are as nice as any I've ever seen-especially the femalhile. While they are not posed well type looks good too. My only question would be about leg colour. They almost appear white legged. I asume that's just how they show up in this picture.

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