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Donna, no Silver Penciled yet. The Bantam Chocolate can be reduced in size by selection and crossing with proper size Blacks. I might could help you there.

I wanted LF.... but they shrunk.
We will see. I don't have a cockerel right now. I might have some babies growing out and might have a few in there to work with. I do have a cockerel that is black from my CHOC SLW cross and he is ALL black so far. I will see what I have come summer.
Do you have SPW bantams? If so I might need to get something from you to help put that back in my birds. I think I am getting the rust out FINALLY. I need to look over my girls now for black tail feathers.....

BTW I may end up with BANTAM Choc. They seem to have shrunk.....
It's easy to shrink'em. Tough to keep height and width, arg.
Hi folks,

New to the forum, I'm in Colorado. I have BLRW's, and a new batch of blues and blacks. Look forward to reading more here. I've read the last 10 pages. Some great reading!

PLEASE, again can I ask if male Silver Pencilled start out with the same pencilling as females. I have 3 with the female pencilling that act like males. They are about 4 months old. I am useless at sexing birds as I am all new to this.
PLEASE, again can I ask if male Silver Pencilled start out with the same pencilling as females. I have 3 with the female pencilling that act like males. They are about 4 months old. I am useless at sexing birds as I am all new to this.

I have never seen a cockerel with penciling. What do you mean by ACT like males? How old are they? Post pics if you want.
When I go out they are are the front for the food, when I put my hand near them they try to attack it (and I don't just mean in a food type of way), They are 4 months old. I will try to get some photo's just now.....

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