The Wyandotte Thread

I have a rooster that I noticed today has been sleeping a lot during the day, I'm not sure if he's eating or drinking, because when I watch him he just sleeps. Is this normal?
How do you properly trim spurs? I honestly never tried to trim them because my boys haven't had any problems and someone a long time a ago told me if you don't do it right they would bleed out and die. Is this true or did I get misinformed?

Google the ' hot potato ' spur removal. I found it very interesting. If you decide to cut, keep cornflour on hand to help the blood clot. Cayenne pepper will also stop a bleed.
I have never heard of a male bleeding out because of removing a spur. If left to their own devices they will hit them against themselves and knock them off. I usually use wire clippers or some other type of heavy duty clipper to trim them down. It keeps them from hitting against each other as they walk and will eventually slough off on their own.
First egg!!!
Question: I just bought 2 gold laced wyandotte roosters and 1 has a leader that doesn't follow the skull. Will he pass this down to his chicks?
Yes, there will be a percentage that will inherit that trait. If you must use him try to use a female with a proper comb and cull for it. Body type should always come first though. Combs are relatively easy to fix.

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