The Wyandotte Thread

I was wondering if I can get some help.

Two days ago, a neighbors dog ripped through a chain link and hardware cloth pen and killed 11 pairs of my bantam Partridge Wyandottes. I got my original birds from Jerry & Rebecca Foley and I sent them an email asking if they could give me an estimate of the value of them but I haven't heard back from them.

Can anyone help with this? I paid $30 for the original pair 2 years ago.

Today, after being told by the Sheriffs Department to contain the dogs, they again came onto my property, ripped into my barn and killed my Black Copper Marans, killed my husbands favorite bantam Cochin rooster, and injured several other birds.

I shot one of them in the hind quarters but the second one got away. We again called the Sheriffs department and they're going to declare the dogs as dangerous.

If anyone can help me with estimates, I'd appreciate it.

I was wondering if I can get some help.

Two days ago, a neighbors dog ripped through a chain link and hardware cloth pen and killed 11 pairs of my bantam Partridge Wyandottes. I got my original birds from Jerry & Rebecca Foley and I sent them an email asking if they could give me an estimate of the value of them but I haven't heard back from them.

Can anyone help with this? I paid $30 for the original pair 2 years ago.

Today, after being told by the Sheriffs Department to contain the dogs, they again came onto my property, ripped into my barn and killed my Black Copper Marans, killed my husbands favorite bantam Cochin rooster, and injured several other birds.

I shot one of them in the hind quarters but the second one got away. We again called the Sheriffs department and they're going to declare the dogs as dangerous.

If anyone can help me with estimates, I'd appreciate it.

Hi Laurie....that is a horrible story. I hope those dogs go away. We have bantam partridge from Foley lines(check our website). You can PM me.
Thanks so much. I'm absolutely horrified. Two days ago my birds had just been let out of their coop into their run, which is a chain link fence kennel wrapped in hardware cloth 4 feet up. And the dogs ripped holes in the hardware cloth and the chain link!!

After going over there and blowing up at the neighbor, I find some of my bantam Partridge Wyandottes dead on their property. I told them, now tell me that your dogs didn't do it! There's the evidence.

Today they're back again and they killed our pet rooster and the BCMs. It breaks my heart to see my big strong retired Navy husband on the ground holding his beloved rooster in his hands and crying over his dead body.

Another neighbor told me that the dogs have been running his cattle and he had to put a cow down because she broke her leg trying to get away from his dogs.

Enough is enough!

One's a boxer, one's a collie mix, and the other is a black lab. They have 8 dogs over there. 5 of them are in a run with electric wire around it. Then there are 3 dogs that are just left to run free.

I shot the collie mix in the hind leg today. I missed it on Tuesday when it was here. I live in acres and acres of woods. I hit a tree instead of the dog on Tuesday. But today I know I got it.

It's a shame though because it's not the dogs fault.

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