The Wyandotte Thread

I'm really starting to like our bantam silver penciled. I see a huge change in the peep coloration the last 2 hatched-can't wait to see how they grow out.
WOW that pullet I let you SNAG is really nice. Your roo has a nice comb too. We may have to trade some chicks. I am see much better color in mine since I swapped out roos. My roo is more silver than yours. I am picking pullets with more silver and it seems to be working.
Looked at the link...

In female SP and Partridge I am seeing tails that lack any black feathers, the tail is fully penciled. This seems to becoming more popular. The standard calls for the Main Tail: Black except two top feathers which are gray on the upper web and penciled with black, conforming to the shape of the feather, lower web is black. Wonder if they are going to change the standard??
Looked at the link...

In female SP and Partridge I am seeing tails that lack any black feathers, the tail is fully penciled. This seems to becoming more popular. The standard calls for the Main Tail: Black except two top feathers which are gray on the upper web and penciled with black, conforming to the shape of the feather, lower web is black. Wonder if they are going to change the standard??

Interesting.... I didn't catch that or KNOW that.

These were my originals.... obvious culls looking back now, but I am seeing improvement. I don't have these birds anymore. I don't think mine have the black like that in the tail. Do yours? Got pics of it? ANYBODY????


Do male pencilled have the markings of the females when they are young? I have 3 that are pencilled like females but act totally male
Stunning birds!!
The only 'problem' I see is the rooster his comb.
I used a rooster last year with more or less the same comb and hens with a very good comb (following the line of the neck and not too rough).
I hatched good looking hens and roosters but ALL the cockerels had that same 'bad' comb.
Just a tip :)
The coloring of the hen is very sharp, really like that :)

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