Their first time outside!


Renaissance man
6 Years
Feb 18, 2013
Music City, USA
So the coop is about 95% complete but with the beautiful weather today I couldn't resist letting the babies out of the brooder to scratch around in the earth today. This picture was taken just moments after I let them out for the first time. Prior to this they had never seen the outside.

What you are looking at is 2 white leghorns, 3 rhode island reds, 3 americaunas, and 3 silver aced wyandottes.

They were a little unsure about being so open and all the new noises and smells but I think they liked it. As of the this posting they are back in their brooder in the garage but I hope to let them back out tomorrow after work for some more time in the run.

The only downside is that Mrs. HandsomeRyan is soon to be Dr. Mrs. HandsomeRyan and she has class tonight so she was not around to see their first few moments outside. She was disappointed to miss it but I think she'll survive.
You've got some pretty birds! The two we took outside for the first time yesterday absolutely LOVED it. I didn't have time to take all 30 of mine out today, but if the rain holds off tomorrow, I'm going to get them all out while I play in the garden close by. Our coop is done, we just have to run the pasture fencing this coming Saturday and then VOILA! They'll all be outside in their new digs, enjoying as much of the fresh air and sunshine and green grass to their hearts' content!

Congrats to your wife on the doctorate goal! I'm waiting on my youngest son to get into school himself, so I can finish my bachelor's in Biology.
Aw that is so cute. One of my favorite parts of raising chickens.

I remember when I first let my birds out for their first time, I was so excited to see what they would do. They had the whole yard to roam (under supervision, of course) and when I finally brought them all outside they all just stood their in the middle of the yard in one spot and had no idea what to do.

They eventually warmed up to the idea after having more field trips outside, and now they are all happy 2 year olds who give us eggs everyday and are pros when it comes to going outside. But they still are skittish around snow. It's a work in progress.

You have beautiful birds. Enjoy them!
Your babies are beautiful, glad they are enjoying the outside!

The baby chicks are 7 weeks old there amber sex links and they are ready for outside. their close off from our three other chickens so that they get used to them and will be accepted by the top hen. Unfortunately it was raining and dark by they I got them out there. 2moro I will take more images of the babies


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