there's a big lump on my chicken's head--help!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 24, 2008
Northeast Florida
ok, one of my chickens has a lump above her eye that looks like a marble under her skin. it's firm, has feathers on it, and it's not hot. the skin over the lump is fine (no lesions or dry spots). she's not as vivacious as the rest of the chickens, but she's eating and drinking and isn't lethargic or anything. any ideas what this could be??
she's had it for probably a couple months. i'll give the picture a shot, last time i posted it some could see it some could not.

this is my most recent pic, but the lump has gotten bigger since then.
just an update, my chicken is doing fine, besides the grotesque head-growth. she's running around and eating/drinking and even laying (not really often though)
I'd ask the vet what that is. It could be a tumor, or a kernel of infection. If it's infection antibiotics might fix it right up. It could even be that something bit her maybe.

Anyway, I had chickens, or rather my landlady did. A few of them developed lumps. I took one to the vet and it was an infection. The infection wasn't pus, it was a yellow lump under the skin... Hard yellow lump. I mean the infection nodule itslf was yellow, not the lump on th eoutside... The vet removed the infection and treated her and she was fine.

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