part of the flock, lol :)
My birds started out on non medicated Southern States chick starter. The older group is getting Nutrena medicated and the younger ones are still on the non medicated feed. Southern States is nearly a 50 mile round trip and the Nutrena is available at the nearby hardware store. SS has smaller pieces more suitable to tiny bantams. I got non medicated because I was supposed to be getting goslings and also SS is formulated for waterfowl. None of my birds from Ideal have needed medicated feed.
Rareduck I can't find non medicated feed around me. I'm going to switch to a flock feed after I'm done with the 50lb bag I have. An backyardflock they are so cute!
I made a small pen in my yard and give them "field trips" daily once they were just over a week old. I had a stool and would sit in the pen with them. Just bring them in if they start acting chilled. As they got older the trips would last longer till they didn't want to come in anymore. Then they got the boot to the coop at about 5 weeks old.
Mine have been outside before this. This was just the first time I put them in the grass. I work way to much and this was my first proper day off since I've gotten them where I don't have to do so much running around. Diana they seem to be entering that wonderful ugly teenage stage already. These ones seems to have feathered out faster than my EEs have, all except my poor Brahma which still doesn't really have any feathers. Oh well. I plan on bringing them outside more now that it seems like the daily rain here has stopped.
My golden buff and silver laced wyandotte are the ones I can pick up without any problems and are the first ones to come over when I have food in my hand. The other ones, god forbid I pick them up. You would think I was killing them with how much noise they make. I'm hoping by next week to start the playpen method with them and my big girls so in another three weeks or so they can join the bigger ones in the coop. Any more pictures of your backyardflock?
My Barred rocks are the most friendly. The others, if I move slowly, still let me pick them up and don't complain. The Barred Rocks love to snuggle and perch on our hands, though!
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