Things you wish you could say

Thanks. My dad was admitted into the hospital this morning found out not long ago due to heart failure
Just a couple decades ago "Congestive Heart Failure" (CHF) was a fatal diagnosis. Now the outlook is much better.
When the heart begins to loose it's efficiency as a pump it cannot move the fluid around as well and it builds up in the body. You may see it first as weight gain, swelling in the feet and calves and the lungs (short of breath).
They will probably give him a diuretic (Lasix). There are are a number of treatments that are used now ranging from Digitalis (Foxglove) to pacemakers.
They will be using a measurement called Ejection Fraction which refers to the efficiency of the heart (as a pump). The actual number is most useful to show how much it has changed. 50-70% is "normal". (Even a mechanical pump is <100% perfect.)
thanks for leaving off the first 2 letters there, I appreciate it :)
My mind immediately added them, but that's no real surprise.
I have wanted to say this multiple times the last couple of days

Being rude isnā€™t going to get you the answer you want itā€™s just going to make people not want to help you.
Your ethnicity is no excuse for rudeness. Oh yeah, I did say that.
Just a couple decades ago "Congestive Heart Failure" (CHF) was a fatal diagnosis. Now the outlook is much better.
This is what my neighbor has. She is feeling "pretty good right now," by her own words.

I wish I could say she got stellar treatment. I wish I could say that I'm proud of the way her doctors cared for her. I wish her own cardiologist did not tell her, "You fell through the cracks. We should have done better."

I wish I could say, "When she went to the ER at 11:30 at night with shortness of breath, nausea (she never has that, ever, not even when she was pregnant) and sever chest pain, the person who checks people in did NOT put a wrist band on her and tell her, 'Go sit over there.'"

Yeah, I'm a bit pissed, still, about this.
I wish I could say, "When she went to the ER at 11:30 at night with shortness of breath, nausea (she never has that, ever, not even when she was pregnant) and sever chest pain, the person who checks people in did NOT put a wrist band on her and tell her, 'Go sit over there.'"
That's messed up. I thought chest pain was the golden ticket to get seen right away.
This is what my neighbor has. She is feeling "pretty good right now," by her own words.

I wish I could say she got stellar treatment. I wish I could say that I'm proud of the way her doctors cared for her. I wish her own cardiologist did not tell her, "You fell through the cracks. We should have done better."
I am SO sorry. I want to work for a few more years but sometimes I get disgusted with where medicine is heading.
CHF is so common a good nurse could have told the doctor what to order. Get an EKG, draw blood test (CBC, BMP & BNP) & start Lasix.

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