This was cute and scary all at the same time...


11 Years
Jul 1, 2008
Finger Lakes, NY
I wish I had a camera with me, although I doubt I would have stopped to take a picture.

I propped open the door of the pen that my 4 roos are staying in so they can walk in and out and range as they please. A couple of minutes ago they started raising hell in the yard (you know the sound chickens make when there's trouble), so I look out the window, and they're all in the pen, but clearly something isn't right. I'm thinking snake, because I don't see anything.

So I walk down, and all I see is this big long tail sticking out from under a piece of plywood I've set up for shade for the birds! This ginormous cat, that has to be 20 lbs, is trying her best to hide under this 2ft x 2ft piece of wood so I don't see her, but her tail is sticking out! She was so cute I couldn't get mad at her. I shooed out the 4 birds, closed the door, and thank goodness the gigantic cat let me pick her up and carry her to the edge of the yard.

Good thing she wasn't starving!

All the boys are safe in their coop - with the door CLOSED!
yea glad she wasnt staving like you said, but if you have full size birds I doubt a cat will try to get a full size roo... but you never know
They're banties, but a couple of them are pretty feisty, so who knows. The problem is that they're used to the dogs being around, so I don't think they were as afraid of her as they should have been! They were all still in the pen with her, even though the door was wide open.

I'm going to have to try to get a picture of this cat. She's just HUGE.
My friend and I were out back watching chicken TV the other night and she looked past me and said "That cat looks like my Scrapper!". I don't have outdoor cats, this is a large white cat with a black tail that frequents my backyard. She was sitting on a pine stump staring intently at the teenagers. She didn't know what to think!
I shooed her away, I don't know if she would have attacked or not, the girls are getting big now, I can see where cats won't bother much with fullgrown chickens.

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