Thought I'd share my waterer and feeder


In the Brooder
6 Years
Nov 27, 2013
Thanks to a few ideas on BYC. I made my own systems. Thought I'd share.
All made out of 4" PVC
An update. I didn't think the chickens were getting enough water. So I put a bucket in there and they acted like they never drank before. I don't think they figured out the water system after a month. So I switched back to a traditional waterer. Now I will be cleaning that everyday. Ugh
But I have a corner design I am thinking on. Stay tuned
I try not to have to much food and water in the coop. Excessive bad weather for more than a day I'll do it but having it accessible all the time in there promotes a lot more "poop in the coop" lol.

How big is you all's coop that keep food in there all the time?
It's winter time by me so my chicks are inside for a few months.

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