Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

for 10+ ! I hope they will relist again & I won't have to bid against as many peeps
They were so pretty !!!

yea i emailed the seller, and she said her girls are layin steady right now so she will be posting more auctions.
but this one would have been perfect. =/
they would get here right before my birthday
I think I JUST scored a monthly hatching gig of 50-60 quail @ $2 a pop! I can buy 100 for around $20

good deal.

i was also lookin at these
thought if no one bids i would.
they just really dont catch my eye tho.
i for some reason i was set on ancons.
even tho ive never even seen one other than pictures.
altho before i got my calls, i had never even herd of them.
no, she isnt yet, she is showing signs though

i havnt yet sepertaed for breeding, im doing that tomarrow :D so i wont be selling 100% pure ancona eggs till 4 weeks
that is i she is laying by then (which she should be!)
no, she isnt yet, she is showing signs though

i havnt yet sepertaed for breeding, im doing that tomarrow :D so i wont be selling 100% pure ancona eggs till 4 weeks
that is i she is laying by then (which she should be!)
keep me updated for when she starts (wont matter if they are pure.)
and if i havent found a deal that i couldnt resist.
and it isnt nearly march (my goal is to have babies to raise with my goslings and i am ordering them begining of march, weather permiting)
i will deff. get some from you =)
lets hope she cooperates and starts layin soooooooooonnnn
OK! will let you know, none of the drakes except my WH drake are mating, and he is just barely mating the one WH hen
,,,, but that means eggs soon since they at leased started!.........
.......... right?!

but that ancona has been bobbing his head, i hope he gets with the program, its the drakes that arent doing their deed. my hens are all wanting a boyfriend LOL!

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