Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

I was homeschooled 5th-12th grade. I loved it & it was the best thing for me. There were family members who didn't think may parents were makinf a good decision for me especially my (maternal) grandpa. In the long run he was one of our biggest supporters of my homeschooling. I am the youngest, but the first of my siblings to obtain a degree. I hold 3, including a masters.

All the best to you & your family either way your child(ren) finish school.

thanks for that perspective. It's such a hard decision. It would be easier for me if our school district wasn't so great and if I didn't know all the staff in the school and know how wonderful they are. We are planning on moving so that will be a big determining factor for us. (What district we move too.)
Thanks guys for all the cheering for this little ducky to hatch, but I am 99.9% sure it died yesterday. It twitched off and on until early afternoon yesterday, then nothing since. I candled it this morning and now I cannot see the duck beak in air cell. There is clearly no progress in the air cell and I cannot see any signs of life. Of course I am bummed. But I am trying to look at the positive. My other 12 eggs are almost halfway through incubation and all still going very strong, and more eggs are on the way.

I guess this is a game of perseverance... and I am in it to win it. :)

:( I just don't know why that happens. My very first duck hatch I had 12 eggs, all were great and only one made it. The next hatch, 2 made it, the next hatch 4 made it. It gets better! I've heard that the LG incubator is awful for hatching ducks. I'm anxious to see what I get with this cabinet bator I have going.

The seller emailed me last night and said he would ship the Apples out today! I'm excited about them. We can be hatching buddies!
I am in lockdown as of last night

I lost my last set during lock down

hoping it doesn't happen this time

Fingers crossed!
Hey Peeps, JZ had a good idea with everyone listing what's in their bator. So quote this and add yours. It's so hard to remember everybody's different schedule!


3 Light Sussex due ? (bator issues)
4 Blue/Red Wyns due ? (bator issues) Maybe Jan, 27th-ish.
Apples on the way
Chocs on the way
Hey Peeps, JZ had a good idea with everyone listing what's in their bator. So quote this and add yours. It's so hard to remember everybody's different schedule!


3 Light Sussex due ? (bator issues)
4 Blue/Red Wyns due ? (bator issues) Maybe Jan, 27th-ish.
Apples on the way
Chocs on the way

12 call eggs (that look good, a few more iffy I'm sure will be pulled in a few days) feb 6-9
2 african goose eggs due feb 1-4
quail - due from tomorrow to 17 days from now (putting a few more in today)
Hey Peeps, JZ had a good idea with everyone listing what's in their bator. So quote this and add yours. It's so hard to remember everybody's different schedule!


3 Light Sussex due ? (bator issues)
4 Blue/Red Wyns due ? (bator issues) Maybe Jan, 27th-ish.
Apples on the way
Chocs on the way


3 buff orp
D Uccles
total 14
Yeah, there are always bumps and bruises in the learning curve, so to speak. The 1st set was in a homemade bator and frankly, I am surprised that one egg made it to lockdown. The 2nd set, which are doing so much better, are in the LG bator. I have read tons of negative stuff about the LG, but it has been very stable for me and the progress between 1st and 2nd set of eggs is night and day!! I may even buy a 2nd LG, since I will have staggered hatches scheduled and am leery to use the homemade one again. 2nd set currently scheduled to hatch Feb. 3rd.

Shipper is sending them today?! Woo hoo! That's fast!
Julie, African goose eggs? How cool! I acquired a pair of african/toulouse geese with my property that I enjoy very much. I have been reading up on how hard it is to hatch goose eggs. There is an ad on ebay for 4 african eggs that I keep looking at......

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