To those of you who have problems with neighbor's dogs and you flock,

About two weeks ago, my neighbor's dog was in MY BACK YARD (which is nowhere near their house, and very private). I just happened to look out my kitchen window and see this dog with my white hen "Whitey" pinned down. I screamed and ran, the dog immediately dropped the chicken and left. Lucky for me, the hen was fine.

The owner saw the dog chasing my chickens and came over right away, She aplogized and said they would chain him up now, but he is always loose. Doesn't surprise me. They've had three dogs since I've known them, and they just let them loose all the time. Or they start them in the house, then move them outside into a kennel, and the dogs bark all night long. So annoying.

If I have a gun handy, the next time, her dog will be dead. I hope there is no next time, but in my heart I know he will be back......
have the same exact problem going on rite now only difference is I have to deal with my HORRIBLE neighbor as well
her stupid OLD FAT Lab PULLED my hen under the fence into her yard and mauled it to death I seen clearly where the dog pulled it under the fence and she tells me oh it wasn't my dog I say your dog has the blood and feather in its mouth and she says (I swear to BOB) oh well ya she had it in her mouth but only to bring it to me to give to you something else must have killed it and brought it into my yard I watch that dog all the time it is constantly runs up and down my fence chasing the chickens so I built them a brand new 1,400 sq foot run its prolly bigger than that but its just an estimation I planted lots of bamboo in there (great bug attractant and they love it) im gonna put grass and just make it a lil chicken paradise lol

but I have dealt with this woman for over 2 years she is a complete nut job HER OWN DAUGHTER HAS A RESTRAINING ORDER ON HER!!!! now that's saying something she is always drunk and on top of that she eats muscle relaxers like there going out of style and thats were the fun begins I have 2 dogs a basset hound and a mix of sheppard,boxer,mastiff and pit she was a rescue, and my yard is also completely fenced HERS IS NOT I used to let my dogs out all day due to the fact of my sheds being robbed multiple times well she being drunk comes over to the fence and starts messing with them (have you ever had a dog that just DOESN'T like someone no matter what???)

well they do NOT like her so they bark and go to the other end of the yard well she follows them around my fence back and forth back and forth so after a few days of this I say stop they dont like you they will never like you leave them alone I dont want you getting bitten and she says well if you let me come over for coffee maybe they will like me (rolls eyes) no I dont think that will change it well she goes back in a week later I see her with this FAT OLD lab on a leash walking RITE ON the fence not a few feet from it but rite next to it and rattling it well sure enough her dog sees my 2 and attacks the fence they run at it and attack back well I run out there pull them off and bring them back in next day

she walks the dog in the middle of her yard and no problem well that evening she bring the dog RITE back up on the fence and they go at it again I break them up and she tells me I need to do something with my vicious dogs and I go well why dont you take your dog to the middle of the yard like earlier and there wnt be a problem and she starts yelling its my property ill do what I want when I want blah blah and so on

well after about a week she does it again this time she has a metal rod and proceeds to start beating MY dogs over the fence and I blew up called her a drunken wrinkled up old hag ripped the pole out of her had as she was STILL hitting the dogs with it I threw it across her yard and told her if she ever hit my dog again id ram the pole so far up her *** shed look like a drunk on a stick well she ran in the house screaming she was calling animal control so I one up'd her and called the cops, an officer shows up about 40 minutes later and I show him the bumps on there heads and stuff so he goes over to talk to her and I cant help but listen in

there on the front porch and he tells her this can all be avoided if she fences HER yard she says no and so on and he says well walk on the other side then why cause yourself the trouble and she says my property ill do what I want and he says no you wont that's harassment and so on and he says and if you ever hit there dog again ill arrest you for animal cruelty so he comes back gives me his card with his name says if it happens again call the number on the card and he will be back and he leaves well animal control shows up three days later for a complaint I have 12 dogs that are infected with rabies 1 what person would be dumb enough to believe that??? so I roll my eyes explain the situation and get my dogs he says ok goes back to her house tells her the dogs arent rabid and she says well they fight with my dog through the fence and well conversation goes on and he ends up telling her that the fence I paid for is iminant domain and she can do what she wants on or around it all day long if she chooses as long as she doesnt cause damage and tell me I have no rite to tell her otherwise and if I have and disputes take it up with code enforcement

well call them and sure enough a fence is PUBLIC property as long as the person it on the OUTSIDE of it that was 2 long years ago since them I have had the police her cuz I was supposedly growing pot plants so big they could be seen growing over my house LMAO, for stealing her bottles of booze and a kitchen knife, the newest is attempted murder on her (I shot a squirrel with a pellet rifle and she called on me for trying to kill her
) animal control has been here cuz I have 80 dogs, another time cuz im abusing my animals, and so on and since then she has called me leaving a message on the phone saying she has a gun and knows how to use it (I couldn't do anything on that cuz it wasnt a threat directed at me she did not say she would use it on ME) no she called MY phone and said she had a gun knew how to use it and would HOW is that not directed at me it is my phone........and then her dog about 2 weeks ago killed my hen and then she denied it with a lame excuse,

sorry this is such a long story I did my best not to make it a block post but that is my ordeal with the neighbor and dog haha any advise for that would be appreciated LOL although its hard to do anything when law enforcement WONT enforce cuz according to them they cant do anything with annoying neighbors
I shot a chicken killer once about 15 years ago and the owners never noticed for about a week then they put up signs for missing dog, I left them a note where it was and why. The next dog they got was fenced in.
Ahhh, interesting idea...
We have a neighbor (who also happens to be a friend) who has no idea what being a responsible dog owner means. We live in a rural area where there are no leash laws or rules about keeping your dogs on your property. When I first moved here, the pack of 3 dogs they owned came into my yard attacked my cat, dragged it down the road to their place and killed it before I could get to it.
When I filed complaints with animal control, they told them to keep the dogs restrained, but they continued to run loose, so they were ticketed and ordered to come before the village court and prove they were properly containing the dogs. Sadly, they had the dogs put down rather than build a dog run. Apparently the dogs had already killed all their rabbits and had a history. Now, their lastest couple dogs went up over the hill to another neighbors and got into their goat enclosure and killed 3 goats. They were caught inside the cage, so there was no doubt about their guilt. The owner, paid for the goats and "said" that he took one of the dogs to the SPCA (but I'm sure he simply shot her). However, he still has a big dumb black lab that runs loose, so my chickens can only have brief, severely supervised free range periods. Make me sad that I'm going to have to fence my entire property because of the neighborhood dogs.
when i had chickens in the late 80s i lost all but one of them to loose dogs. the last one to a possum. now and for years there has been way too many pit bulls and crosses allowed to run the streets of Lameopolis for years. And for years when i walk any of my dogs there is a .380 auto, chambered and ready to work. now that i have chickens and ducks i also have a .45 rifle for the very first time i see a dog inside my fence, the fence is much better than the old one but dogs are persistant. i secured my fence originally to keep my dogs of them hates all strange dogs and will attack anything from chihuahua to mstiff. even though he only weighs 40 pounds. it's my job to protect the birds from marauders, dogs, coons, and opossums. dont plan to talk to anyone or waste my time with the local cops, shoot and dispose, no questions asked and i dont know nuttin. its my job to protect other peoples dogs from my dog, theres to keep thers out of my yard. i love dogs but i am n ot going to stand by while some smartypants's dog(s) tear one of my birds up. recently an elderly couples beloved cornish rex cat was pulled off its leash and killed by some scumbags 2 free ranging pitbulls. what have the cops done? NOTHING! Neighbours saw it owner saw it but couldnt do anything because of recent hip surgery (like me!) and so far nothings happened but the b&%$^##@! dog owner has to quarentine the dogs for 2 weeks. anyway you are not being cruel if you deal with these marouding carnivores. it would be cruel, to me, to let them keep doing it. the neighbors obviously dont care about their dogs or youur property rights. Protect your own! .45cal quetsweyo
THANK YOU for saying this. It seems all too often people think that just because a dog was SOMEBODY'S pet that it LOVES everyone and everything and is harmless. Not all dogs are that way.

Yes thank you!

As a survivor of a dog attack when I was 7 years old, it constantly mystifies me as to why people are so lax with their dogs. Why let an animal who jumps all over people, bites them, and growls at people off of the leash? WHY? Why keep an animal that viciously hunts other people's animals/children? I understand that some dogs are really well trained and loving and useful, but in my experience that's a very small minority. Most are so spoiled by their owners that they have no trianing and are out of control.

Every time I'm even so much as walking down a sidewalk, it seems that I'm subjected to someone else's nasty aggressive dog. And most of the time the thing is off of the leash, like the owner can't possibly imagine why anyone wouldn't want their animal rushing them and leaping up on them. For me, it takes all of my self control not to kick those dogs. All I can remember is teeth flashing next to my face as the dog tried to rip into me.

You can bet a lot of money that if any of my neighbors' dogs got into my chickens, I'd not hesitate a moment to take it down. There are plenty of good homeless dogs in shelters that need good homes, there's no reason to let a nasty animal keep ruining other people's property.
Personally, I will not take advice about catching someone else's loose dog if I find it on my property.

I do not trust any loose dog.

I will shoot to kill, a loose dog on my property.

Three loose dogs ( 1 husky, 1 pitbull mix, 1 mutt) chased me, DFiance', our two youngest teens, our oldest daughter, and her boyfriend, into the house we went to look at - we are planning to buy this property.

We watched as this pack came from down the road from a field towards us after we drove past them, and we parked our car at the property.
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That's why one should never say anything to the dog owner. Just dispose of the dog the first time it kills or attacks your chickens.

You should give the persin a chance. I keep my dogs tied up always but once a blue moon my younger dog goes after the cats while getting him inside. If he ever hurt another animal id pay all damages and do my best ti keep him in oir yard. Bty those underground fences dont always work (my folks dog got out all the time) and are overly expensive. I would give them a chance and if it happened again within the same few months then start other means. Shooting a dog would be a last resort unless there is no collar and looks acts feral vs a pet

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