To those of you who have problems with neighbor's dogs and you flock,

I loved one post on this subject where the person caught the dog and painted a target, complete with bull's eye, on the side of the dog. Never saw the dog again!
It would be a shame if the chicken killer died of a mysterious hole in it and was left to lay there for a day or so for the owner to discover. If you have gone to the extent these people have, it may be a next step but be ready for the fallout. Some people can be very unreasonable and very vindictive, make sure your critters are totally under control
That's why one should never say anything to the dog owner. Just dispose of the dog the first time it kills or attacks your chickens.
SSS is your best option. Dogs disappear and the owners can speculate all they want. If they get new dogs that cause issues SSS again. No sense getting frustrated and putting up with thousands in losses. I have the only fenced yard around and hear many dogs barking daily. I am waiting for any number of them to go under or over the fence,and I will deal with them right away.Best wishes.
I loved one post on this subject where the person caught the dog and painted a target, complete with bull's eye, on the side of the dog. Never saw the dog again!

that is HILARIOUS !!!!

I love animals, of all shapes and sizes, well, except spiders. I dont think I could ever purposely harm a neighbors dog, unless it was attacking my human family.
Dogs are just animals, it is their instinct to hunt. It is not their fault their humans are stupid. Do everything you can to catch them alive and turn them over
to a shelter or rescue.​
For those who say catch the dogs, never, ever, under any circumstances, allow yourself to be in a position to be bitten by a dog on a rampage. Unfortunately, dogs can't be taken to court and held responsible, and the owners can't be shot, and animal control does not even exist in some locales, so sometimes, you are forced to deal with the problem by using deadly force on the dogs. And trust me, I love dogs, but I will not approach a dog whose demeanor is the least bit questionable. The one next door is one of those. The course of action has been decided in his case ahead of time. Each situation is different and each person should think about what he/she will do before something happens, not in the heat of the moment.
I agree and love this idea. You don't need to catch the dog and put yourself in harms way, you get your point across AND if the dog comes back again, well, it would seem as though neither the dog or the owner learned any lesson and it may be time to take matters into your own hands.

I totally feel your frustration. I've lost several birds this spring to dogs that had run from home and were just having a good time while running free at my expense.

I'm a dog lover, but I plan to invest in a paintball gun very soon! I think it would hurt-getting the point across- and it sure would be a mess trying to get that off of your dog.

Good luck whatever you do. Hope you don't have anymore losses.
I agree and love this idea. You don't need to catch the dog and put yourself in harms way, you get your point across AND if the dog comes back again, well, it would seem as though neither the dog or the owner learned any lesson and it may be time to take matters into your own hands.

I totally feel your frustration. I've lost several birds this spring to dogs that had run from home and were just having a good time while running free at my expense.

I'm a dog lover, but I plan to invest in a paintball gun very soon! I think it would hurt-getting the point across- and it sure would be a mess trying to get that off of your dog.

Good luck whatever you do. Hope you don't have anymore losses.

That sounds like a good idea. Paintball won't kill the animal but hopefully make it learn that your property is not a good place to be and also clue the owners in that the dog may be where it's not supposed to.
THANK YOU for saying this. It seems all too often people think that just because a dog was SOMEBODY'S pet that it LOVES everyone and everything and is harmless. Not all dogs are that way.

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