Tolbunt Polish

hi ! was the food pellets or crumbles ? I think i know whats wrong and have started treatment. Do you know what cocci is ? I cant explain it but they have all the symptoms. the thing that causes it would be different from your house to mine and they had resistance to yours so now they have to get it to a different strain here. Not good at explaining but I am treating and cooking them tons of high protein food. think the will pull through.
they were a bit more active today. they like the scrambled eggs.
Oh yeah I have heard of it. The food I was giving them was crumbles. They do love eggs. Hope they will be ok. Keep me updated.
hi Amy, just today 2 of them have turned the corner to feeling better and eating good. the 3rd is some better and was the sickest. I expect them to all make a full recovery. their healing was delayed because I was giving the wrong dose of corrid. they were not getting enough. by tomorrow I think they will all be fine.
I also wanted to tell you that since i noticed how thin they were I have been cooking special meals for them every day. If you knew me then you would know thats a big deal. hahaaa

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