Tomaru Longcrowers...

Yes, I am so blessed to have friends that understand my love of chickens!

I belive the cock birds are 6# or a bit larger at full growth. My guy feels very light to me, but I have not weighed him or either of his girls yet. Need to do's COLD around here now! I'll wait another month or so & then get weights on them.
Yeah, there are many videos on YouTube - I can only HOPE that my boy will crow a fraction as long as some of them! How FUN, eh?
Tomaru 唐丸

The Tomaru 唐丸 is a breed of long crowing chicken said to have originated in China during the T'ang Dynasty, 618-907 AD. The first kanji character in its name, 唐 Tou, is the Japanese term for the Chinese T'ang Dynasty. It was refined in Japan and today is accepted as a Japanese breed. It appears in a single variety with black plumage and is best known for its exceptionally long, musical crow, which can be sustained for up to 25 seconds. This is the baritone of the Japanese Long Crowers.

British TOMARU Standard
(taken from the Japanese)

Origin: Japan

Classification: Light Rare

Egg Colour: Tinted

General characteristics: male

Carriage: Upright, bold and active

Type: Body large, deep and compact, full breast but rather cut away at front, back long slopping down to tail, wings rather long carried close to the body, tail large moderately long, carried low but above horizontal, with the main and lesser sickles sometimes touching the ground.

Head: Medium size, beak short, stout and slightly curved, eyes large, bright and prominent, comb single medium size and straight, face smooth sometimes with black markings, ear-lobes and wattles of medium size.

Neck: Moderately long and furnished with full hackle.

Leg and feet: Legs medium to long, shanks fine and free of feathers, toes four, well spread.

General characteristics: female

The general characteristics are similar to that of the male, allowing for the natural sexual differences.


Male/Female plumage: Pure black with green sheen. In both sexes: beak black or horn, eyes orange/red, face, comb and earlobes red with some black shading. All black face allowable in hens. Legs and feet very dark slate.


Male: 3 – 3.2kg

Female: 2 – 2.7kg

Above information from Ultimate Fowl

(not my birds)
Did you look on feathersite? They have some info there, I think.
I got some as substitutes last spring from Sand Hill Preservation. I didn't want them, but a chicken obsessed acquaintance took them off my hands to anger his neighbor who moved in long after the birds and complains all of the time about the crowing. Now they will have something to complain about.
Anyway, there is info out there, you just have to keep searching.
Good luck.
Yup, I've seen Toni-Mari's site, and Feathersite. Thanks, Chris, for posting what appears to be part of the SOP for them (?) I apprecaite that, and had not been able to find that!

Minnie - you GAVE them away?
Wynette----- where about Mich are you? Im down in IN, if you got/get and extra roos, maybe we could meet so I can get one from you. Do you ever to go Wolf Lake swaps?
“ORIENTAL GAMEFOWL” by Horst W Schmudde

This breed came to Japan during the 16th century from China, named Lang-Shan. It existed until 1925 but then became extinct. By crossing the remaining birds with the Shokoku breed, a somewhat smaller variety was produced with the same outstanding crowing characteristics as the Shokoku. Subsequently a breed was developed, that as a Long-Crower had a full and clear voice and with much volume.

Today the Tomaru in Japan comes in two varieties, mainly black and rarely in white. Some say the Niigata province is the cradle of the Tomaru. Others point to China as it’s true origin. Whichever it was, the Tomaru is definitely an old breed. Chroniclers of the early Edo Period (shortly after 1600 A.D.) already knew of it’s existence and wrote about it. The Tomaru was the third breed among the long-tail breeds to be declared a Natural Living Monument on September 7, 1939 (the year of the Showa Reign).

The baritone voice of the avian choir…

The Tomaru is very likely the ancestral parent or a part of the ancestry of the Kurogashiwa and the similarities are evident. Where the line of demarcation begins in the voice and then in the form. The Tomaru may have a few long main sickles, but is not a pronounced long-tailed breed. The real appeal of the breed comes from it’s extraordinary crowing prowess. On the average a cock can crow from 10-15 seconds, but there are many individuals that can crow for 20 seconds. The longest crow on record for the breed is 25 seconds. It’s voice, however, is one the most beautiful among the Long Crowers. This particular rooster has both the 2-tone call of the “Schnork” at the end of his song – two factors of high value in the Tomaru’s song.

The Tomaru is an interesting breed. It is the tallest and the heaviest of the long-tail and long crower breeds. The weight of the cock averages 3.75 kg (8.33 lbs) and that of a hen 2.8 kg (6.22 lbs). a cockerel averages 2.8 kg and a pullet 2.15 kg. the breed comes in black only. The Japanese Standard calls for a green sheen all throughout the body. The Tomar has a single comb, medium black plumage, long neck tightly folded wings, long legs and stands erect.; hence it appears statuesque and regal. The comb of the male is usually red but ti is often stained dark along the base. The comb of the female, on the other hand, is invariably dark purple throughout. Long sickles, long main tail feathers but normal coverts and saddle characterizes the tail of the male Tomaru. The tail of the female is short and normal. Both sexes molt annually and have dark grey legs and equally dark toenails.

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