Top Ten Worming and Wormer Misinformations - Graphic Pictures!

Thanks for finding my typo, the 12 pound dose should say 1 ml.

Your welcome, just wanted to make sure I was getting it right k you know how I am about this stuff.
I noticed Tapeworm segments in my chickens poo several weeks ago. After researching all the threads here on BYC about tapeworm treatments, I decided to purchase pricey Valbazen from my local vet. I have fours girls, so I treated them all at the same time. I gave each chicken .5ml in a syringe orally. I waited 10 days and repeated with a second treatment. There were STILL segments in their poo 20 days after starting treatment. I did a bit more research here and discovered it may be possible that the girls are reinfecting themselves, so I started another round of treatment. I made sure they had all new bedding in their coop (which I clean regularly anyway). I cleaned out the run too. During the day my girls free range in my backyard, so they are never cooped up in their own poo for long periods. Now they have each had a total of four .5ml doses, and I don't know what else to do. I have seen the threads that suggest Zimectrin gold with praziquantel, and I could try that. I just don't get why Valbazen would seemingly do nothing. Below is a video I took yesterday of their poo. Any suggestions?

Quote: Some say that Valbazen doesn't work for tapes, or maybe the bird was under dosed.

Valbazen DOES work against tapeworms if it's properly administered in higher doses more frequently. I know, I've personally used it for tapes. There are tapeworm egg infected insects that the birds are continually eating, reinfecting the birds.
Some say that Valbazen doesn't work for tapes, or maybe the bird was under dosed.

I have never seen tape worms in my chickens poop only my dogs years ago but Valbazen was the wormer I was going to use this spring on my flock since I used Safe guard last time, So maybe Valbazen isn't the way to go? if it isn't going to kill all worms.

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