Tractor Supply Chicks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My TSC chicks were the neediest, runtiest chicks I've ever come across. My store orders from Privett. I lost 2 of 8 and all have fought pasty butt for the 3 weeks I've had them. On the bright side, both if my bantam Cochin turned out to be frizzled

I have bought 20 chicks from Tractor Supply in the last 2 years. One chick did not live and it was replaced immediately. They have been healthy and the ones I bought last year laid throughout the winter.
Last year got 6 nice production red chix from TSC, this year wanted variety so got 3 buff orpington pullets, a comet pullet and two straight run white plymouth rocks.... I know now @ 7 weeks old that I do not have any buff orpingtons, so 3 mysterious small white girls, a comet girl, and two very large white chix. Am very afraid the large, supposedly white plymouth rocks are actually cornish crosses and my buff orps are really white plymouth rocks. Totally sucks cause I am in it for the eggs and would never of gotten meat chix. Tsc chick days are a convenience for me, but obviously, they sometimes have no idea which breed of chicks came in which box. That being said, does anyone in the northeastern part of Ohio have two layers they mistakenly got from TSC to trade for two meat chix?
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I ended up with 8, really only wanted 6, but you guys know how that goes.

1- Light Brahma
1-Dark Brahma (labeled Buff brahma)
1-Tetra Tint
1- Black Pullet
1- Golden Comet
3- Silkies

The silkies where the last ones I picked to bump it up to at least 6 chicks. They only had three, so I couldnt just leave one or two. So I got all three.

And I got 6 EE from a different feed store, I couldn't resist them.

Welcome to BYC. I see chicken math comes naturally.
Wasn't expecting to see a two-year old post resurface! The 25-chick limit is up to each individual TSC manager. My husband worked part time at our TSC last year, and the 25-chick limit was indeed in effect there, while the TSC half an hour away had no limit. Just check which store you're planning on hitting if you want to buy more than two dozen.
Only problems reported on my 6 chicks from TSC were: one (pics below) assorted Bantam which I think was a Seabright had Prolapse. It was replaced with a Rhode Island Red pullet very politely and quickly by TSC. The 2 of the 3 Seabright Bantams I picked out had a bad case of pasty butt but it has finally cleared up today with advice here on BYC.

Graphic Pics below!

The prolapse is the inversion of the intestines and most likely results in death but some may be recovered. Unfortunately this one did not make it. Sad.

Last year got 6 nice production red chix from TSC, this year wanted variety so got 3 buff orpington pullets, a comet pullet and two straight run white plymouth rocks.... I know now @ 7 weeks old that I do not have any buff orpingtons, so 3 mysterious small white girls, a comet girl, and two very large white chix. Am very afraid the large, supposedly white plymouth rocks are actually cornish crosses and my buff orps are really white plymouth rocks. Totally sucks cause I am in it for the eggs and would never of gotten meat chix. Tsc chick days are a convenience for me, but obviously, they sometimes have no idea which breed of chicks came in which box. That being said, does anyone in the northeastern part of Ohio have two layers they mistakenly got from TSC to trade for two meat chix? 

Sometimes the hatchery messes up the labels they stick in the boxes too... And when not everyone at the store is knowledgeable about what breeds are what, or cares enough to double check, chicks are sometimes put out under the wrong signage... Last week we got in a box that said California Greys... Um.. I don't think so... CGs are white chicks... These were either Doms or Barred Rocks (I didn't think to look at their combs to see which)... If I see it I try to fix it...
TSC in our area has Red pullets (Rhode Island Reds, New Hamshire Reds and Golden Comets), Cornish Rocks and Plymouth Rocks right now. I've been wanting to get Rhode Island reds all season...Too late this year.
Oh's to next year lol.

They stop getting chicks in the 26th.
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