Tractor Supply Chicks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh i am very happy there are only two!
Heres My TSC Chicks I'm starting to think one of these "Red Pullets" Is A Roo
Any Input on the sexes?

This Dark One Is It A Roo? Not seeing saddle feathers though

Sigh...I did it again...
Wasn't gonna add to my flock at all this year, but, found some day old Buff Orpingtons and couldn't resist. Chicken math strikes two only, figuring they could keep one another company...realized that I have three each of my other breeds and got one more Buff Orp for free because she wasn't thriving and the staff was just gonna let her die. The little potential hospice chick rallied and all was well.
Of course, that's when I began to suspect that one of the others is a cockeral. Today, being certain of the disappointing sexing, I went to buy some feed and figured I'd "glance at the chick bins, just to see" if I could replace the rooster.
No more Buff Orps, I should've been safe, right?

Nope, the most impossibly tiny bantam had pasty butt and, when I pointed it out to a worker to ask if they would take steps to save it, she just shrugged and said, "chick days are over after today; you can have it free if you want to try to get it to live", I brought it home and bought two more bantams to keep the pasty baby company in the brooder (two more so they would have one another if the pasty baby doesn't make it).

I am such a tender hearted sucker!
Oh, idea what breed the impossibly tiny pasty baby (fingers crossed...s/he took the booty bath well and has had some electrolyte/probiotic water, not sure if eating and pooping has happened yet) is, but, I think the other two are bantam chochins.
I was in TSC earlier in the week and they told me that they were half price. It was tempted until I still had to buy 6 chicks minimum. I already bought a barred rock (had two but one died by son's error), silver laced wyandotte, a buff Orp. and two brown leghorns to add to the diversity of my EE chick hatch. Didn't need anymore reds, or bantams or ducklings (another son hatched 9 ducklings and we didn't need more of them either)

My chicks came from TSC this year. Being a first time chick owner I shopped a lot of feed stores and did some research on breeds. I wanted good egg layers. I found some straight run black Australorps marked down for a $1. I decided to start with 6 of those, came home to get stuff ready and went back the next day to get them. Guess what?! They had ISA brown pullets marked down to a $1 too! So I got 6 of each! I liked they were a week to 2 weeks old. They are doing great!
Here's my TSC chicks.

6 straight run RIR. We suspect two are Roos.

The one on the feeder and the one on the floor to its right with the whiteish color at the top of its wings are the two we think are roosters. I'll have to get some other pics of all of them together.

And during this past week we were at TSC looking around and came home with 6 more chicks. These are red sex link pullets.

The sex links are around a week old. They are very flighty compared to the RIRs. The rsl's are jumping up on top of a little cardboard shelter I made for them to get out of the light. And one of them jumps and flaps her way to stand on top the water feeder.
I got the following bantams
•one Blue or molted Cochin (not entirely sure at this point)
• One White silkie
• Two Black silkies
•One weird white bantam chick with feathered legs
•black and white molted Japanese bantam
And that's it :)

Here's my Japanese:

The white silkie:

One of The black silkies with my white one

Here's the weird mystery bantam:

And all of them from the first day!
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