Treats chickens DON'T Like

Opps guess I figured it out. Bedtime for bonzo.

my chickens + caffeine = i couldnt imagine the damage they would inflict.. as it is the henyard is like a kindergarten full of flying monkeys... add a couple shots of espresso and it sounds like a new kind of hell.
lol... No a chicken and caffeine does not sound good.

Mine eat just about anything, but I do not give them any meat, some of the people who buy eggs from me are vegetarian and so they ask if I feed them meat.

They DO eat natural yoghurt but only the natural, they don;t eat flavoured, and they love wild bird food, nuts of any kind and all greeen vegetables. they are not keen on carrots, and they only have potato peelings if they are boiled as they are toxic for chickens unless they are cooked.

They have celery most days and either cabbage or lettuce, broccoli if I have some for dinner, and their favourite treat has to be spaghetti. I cook it for them without salt and they love it. I have the best fun watching them run around with it in streams hanging from their beaks, and trying to hide it from the others. But they have yoghurt twice a week and also oyster shell in a separate dish so they can choose it if they need it.

When they are out I spend time with them in the garden and they love when I dig, in fact I have to dig with care as they are in the holes before I am finished looking for bugs and they do like worms.

Now they see me walking into the garden with a spade and it causes great excitement. They also like bread, but I do not give them too much. Just a slice or 2.

My sister has never fed her girls spaghetti until last week and they had great fun watching their girls learning about the new food.

|Mine also get porridge on cold mornings in the winter. Along with their laying pellets which are always available they seem happy.
My chickies wont eat yogurt...the lack of interest is obvious.
I'm going to try it again though, in hopes that they will take a liking to it!
I'm not a big fan of yogurt, and we have tubs full of the stuff...
lol...Shhhh I have not mentioned the bugs and worms.

They don't ask about too much but get really sniffy if they think you feed them meat in scraps. I can't control what the chickens eat from the ground. lol....
My big chickens will not touch worms. And I have the fattest worms you've ever seen! You can't touch the ground here without a million popping up.

My rooster did like my sausage biscuit. Not sure if he ate any of the sausage, but the biscuit got him flirting with me.

My little ones go after larva and worms like mad, it is hilarious.

KayKay Bird particularly likes whatever the hell it is she is picking off the goats.
Mine will not eat oatmeal
Here I am in the middle of a snow storm this winter thinking I am doing a nice thing by making them nice warm oatmeal. I trudge up my hill in a foot of snow just so they can look at me with that "whats this" look. Weird!!
My girls went nuts for wood lice and worms when they were tiny but turn up their noses at them now! They sure do like crickets, though.

Conversely, I tried to give them yogurt when they were chicks but they wouldn't eat it unless I mixed it into their mash. Now they get covered with the stuff in their feeding frenzy! They fling blobs all over the place and I have a good laugh at their messy faces when they are done.

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