Treats chickens DON'T Like

I have a friend that is a MILITANT VEGAN, he would eat my eggs because he knows I have happy healthy chickens. But he too asked if I fed them meat scraps, I do, so he no longer eats them. Go figure...

well in my view it is up to them, but they are the ones that loose out.

The feedback I get on my eggs is so good, and I have customers waiting all the time, I disappeared this afternoon to deal with someone who came and brought boxes for their order. lol....

She loves them, and also enjoys coming to visit the girls and brings them some bread and today a lovely large lettuce. They enjoyed it, and the customer enjoyed sitting in a chair and watching their antics and telling me all about her grannies chickens when she was small. I think she is tempted to join

your vegan friend is really missing out. He will wake up one day Punk Rock Chicken, and your girls will still be happy healthy chickens. Isn;t it odd when sometimes chickens make more sense than people.
:cues psycho music
I noticed my ladies taste might change over the course of a single day. I fed them cooked oatmeal in the morning and they devoured it like there was no tomorrow. When I offered them the remaining portion later that evening they nibble on it for a few minutes and then walked away as if to say, 'been there, done that'.
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So far...mine hate watermelon
, love yogurt and bananas
, and won't eat broccoli unless I hang it from my "rubber band string" (couldn't find rope...). I think some of it may be what they're exposed to when they're young - kinda like children - it's just what they get use to!
Here's something to gross you out...

We have so many flies here that I can quickly put a jar over a piece of poo that a bunch are swarming on, freeze 'em or shake the jar alot so they are stunned, then feed them to the girls
They obviously don't care where they've been, a bug is a bug is a bug.
My house has picked up a couple of interlopers (rats found their way into our ceiling). The nice man added some fancy rat bait that wont damage an animal that eats the rats (he knows we have hens).

Now I just cant decided if I want the hens to get that extra protein, or if I'm too squeamish about having to remove the half pecked carcass

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