Trouble with the neighbor.

That thug has my blood boiling and he isn't even my neighbor. I wish you lived nearby so I could give him some heat, and you reinforcements. I Hate Bullies. To bad didn't meet him with your own vid-cam for the DA recording his brazen trespassing.
Reading things like this makes me so glad I have good neighbors. I have 2 neighbors. 1 hardly ever comes outside, she's a couch potato that has no issue what so ever with my birds. She even finds them cute. And my other is an old elderly woman that sits on her porch on good weather'ed days. She cant even hear my birds she's so far from our house. I think she can hardly hear someone sitting next to her talk actually lol. Either way I feel lucky when reading these types of threads.

My best advice to you is that you should play dirty like he is. Since the birds are gonna die anyways, break one's neck, and break one of your own windows on the house. Then call the cops and tell them that he was shooting at your house, shot out a window and shot a bird. Seriously, some times you have to do poop like that to get anything done by the cops.
I considered it.

I also had the idea to wring one up and hide it just barely on my side of the property line......a few days in this heat.....har har har

Or when we butcher them save all the feathers for devious purposes.....

Oh yes, I've been thinking about it, but really I'm NOT trying to stir the pot any more than necessary. I keep hoping he'll make a really wrong move on his own (shooting birds or something) and get arrested, without me doing wrong or illegal things. I'm tryign to stay legal and in the right here.

If he comes over again DH will probably kick his butt
coz that's what men do --- but I'm kinda glad that he has recently switched to getting off at 5am so he should be home and awake if/when the neighbor comes over.
I haven't re-read all the posts, so I don't you have No Trespassing signs on your property? Once again, call the poslice and report that he was trespassing on your property at 6am this morning, disturbing you and your animals. Mention that he previously threatened to to shoot, and that you are very concerned and somewhat scared. Ask them to come investigate, make a report and also make frequent rounds by your home.
Yup..that!!! I WOULD push this issue...
A man came on your property with a video camera.....
yeah.. hes a wacko... tell them that you are frightened of him..etc..etc... (even if your not, it sounds good...tee hee hee)
Play it up... make a legal paper trail....
it sounds like hes trying to get evidence of your roos crowing in the early morning... hes trying to get proof so he can get you on noise ordinences or something...

Make his life hell... press charges for him being on your property..get a restraining order because you are afraid of him...
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Apparently he complained enough that the animal control has decided that I have to get rid of all my chickens, hens included, based on the noise complaints!
DARN! i knew it! I would fight it!!... say this guy has been stalking you and you called the police on him... so hes trying to get revenge..or something...

I hate to say it..but i'd set that guy up...
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DARN! i knew it! I would fight it!!... say this guy has been stalking you and you called the police on him... so hes trying to get revenge..or something...

I hate to say it..but i'd set that guy up...

They only gave me 3 days too!!!
But they allow 120 days to get rid of a problem cat. How is that even right???
I can move them to my father in law's property in a pinch, he has more land and less neighbors, but NO WATER so I'd have to haul them water every single day!!!!

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