Interesting...my TSC told me, ours were coming from Mexico. Probably why the northern state had less problems with shipping delays, then the southern states.

I really doubt they're importing. There is a big hatchery in New Mexico called Privett. Between them and Ideal (Texas), there shouldn't be a need to import to supply the southern states.

Interesting...my TSC told me, ours were coming from Mexico. Probably why the northern state had less problems with shipping delays, then the southern states.

What a ridiculous excuse. Numerous products made in China, and now chicks from Mexico? I'll never do business with this chain of corporate, "free" trade agreement scoundrels. Boycott 'em! There are good American breeders putting lots of labor into producing healthy chicks. They deserve our business more than some management official and foreign labor hired for pennies on the dollar.
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Our Tractor Supply here in Ga has no clue what is coming in or when. They seem to only carry the run of the mill breeds RIR, Redstars, CX, Black Star and Bantams...as if that is a breed. They also told me today that I couldn't buy 3 chicks I had to buy 6 or more. Not sure what I am going to now as I only want to add a few new ones this year. I think I am going to try and find a small breeding farm locally and see if I can get just a few chicks.

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